Maturity Model Certification CMMC "We are all set"
"We are in the Cloud CMMC is no problem".....Wrong
"We are completely NIST compliant CMMC is no problem"..... Wrong
"We are not required to be compliant we are a subcontractor " ....Wrong
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMM) is different. The Department of Defense is proactivity securing unclassified Information not only with major contractors but down the entire supply chain. If your information is in the cloud you cover about a third of it's requirements. If you are NIST complaint you missing half of the requirements. CMMC is different for three reasons, First it goes beyond your standard IT concerns. Second, it covers deeper into the organization not just the IT department. Finally, its not a suggestion by the DOD it has some ones.
It goes deep what controls do you have over your copy equipment. Do you control for example protect blueprints? What do you do after an breach, what is your policy, do you have it written down, do you know where to report it.
What happens if your not compliant you will lose your contract with either your contractor or if you are prime with the DOD You will not be allowed to bid on further contracts until you pass an Audit. They are now in the process of manning up the auditor staff to insure compliance.
What does Next Level Systems do how can you help?
The role of NEXT LEVEL is to provide guidance to a company on how to become CMMC compliant. Our audit will show you where you are deficient and then we will assist you to remove the deficiencies. Additionally, we offer tools to help you stay certified once your become certified.
For more information visit our web site
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