The matter, work, feeling or behaviour and objective are above than other in order of sequance.
When this soul-human attend death in his increasing state of “Satwa-Gun” then he attend divine-pure world of good deed doers. (Bhagwat-Gita: 14/14).
At whatever state of Satvik-Rajash-Tamsh Gun bodily-human exist irrespective of that at the time of departure from his body or death contemporary if he is enlightened with divine light of “Satwa-Gun” or internally nerves-mind is free from abnormalitiers of affection-hate etc., he reaches the divine-world or heaven of good deed doers. This is reflection of high incentive and motivation for bodily-human from generous Divine-God.
In other worlds, the human who is contemporaly in the status of “Satwa-Gun” at the time of death he attend divine-world in which human who had best and even thought, behaviour, knowledge and deed in life has right to attend.
The entitlement of heaven by human who is contemporary in state of “Satwa-Gun” at the time of death which is achieved by those human who had dedicated whole life in good deeds and became eligible for higher-higher worlds denote that conscious develop out of existing of “Satwa-Gun” is not weaker than good-deed. The conscious of “Satwa-Gun” is also best like good worldly and heavenly deeds. Conscious unattached with materialistic world is also very important in good deeds. The matter, work, feeling or behaviour and objective are above than other in order of sequance.
The conscious of “Satwa-Gun” is extreme micro, however very powerful, which carry the human to heavan. At the end of life according to the conscious human attend destiny (Bhagwat-Gita: 08/06).