No matter what yesterday was like
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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A good day to get things done is today not the day that has gone by and will never come back. What matters the most is how you live your present, your today, because that is what you have. Covid-19 taught us a great lesson for life that life is full of uncertainties. You never know what happens the next minute or even the next second. So I would say the best time you have with you is today. It's a gift this, today = present. What you choose to do today is important. Live in present, because the past is history. Live today, because tomorrow is a mystery.
When Will was young, his father owned a bakery. Outside the bakery was a large wall. One day, Will’s father decided that he wanted a new wall in front of the bakery. He tore the old wall down and went to Will and his younger brother and told them to build a new wall. At first, Will thought it was impossible. There was no way that he and his little brother could build this wall. This space would be empty forever. But they got started. Each day after school they went to the bakery and worked on the wall.
Each day they mixed concrete and laid bricks, one after the other. Over time, the wall got bigger. A year and half later, they laid the final brick on the wall. Will’s father came outside the bakery and the three of them stood back, looking at the completed wall. Almost as if he planned it, Will’s father turned to them and said “Now, don’t you ever tell me you can’t do something again” and walked back into the shop. Here is what Will says he learned from that experience:“I learned that you don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t start by saying ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.’ If you do that every single day, soon you will have a wall.” - Will Smith.
Your life is the same. Don’t set out saying, “I’m going to become the greatest version of myself ever.” You don’t start there, that’s too intimidating. Have the end goal in mind, but start by saying, “Today, I’m going to lay my brick as perfectly as I can lay it.” Your bricks can be whatever aspects of your life you want to work on; your fitness, your business, your personality, your relationships, anything. Start by picking the area of your life that you most want to improve and lay your first brick.If it’s your health, go for your first run. If it’s your mind, read the first page of that book. Whatever it is, make it something small and attainable. Then tomorrow, lay another brick. And the next day, another. If you do this day in and day out, over time you will become the greatest version of yourself. Cheers!
Great share Kishore Shintre.??