No Matter What
No Matter What
Difficulties in life is inevitable, we can't bypass them but irrespective of the difficulties and trials that we encounter in life, we must have a secure foundation and that foundation is God. In the first and second chapters of the book of Job, Job underwent a very traumatic and overwhelming situation. First he lost his livelihood and all of his children and when that wasn't enough, he was stricken in his health. He went from being on "top of the mountain" to being "down in the valley" and when people saw him, he looked almost unrecognizable. His wife, mad at him and not able to continue to live an affluent lifestyle, abandoned Job and told him to "curse God and die!"
It is easy to say "Hosanna" and blessed be the name of the Lord when all is well in your life and you aren't experiencing any "dark nights of the soul," but how do you respond when chaos, pain, difficulties and struggles abound?
Well I believe wholeheartedly that, that is why it is important to have relationship with God. For God is the source of all peace and joy and he will equip you with all that you need through connection with him, his word and in his presence to be able to adequately deal with and overcome the perplexities of life. It isn't found in another person, it isn't found in a better job, isn't found in anything that this world has to offer, it is found only through Jesus Christ!
So, no matter what you may be encountering today, turn off your phone, turn off you television and get away from anyone or any other distractions that maybe hindering you and go into the presence of the Lord! Have a mindset that no matter what, you are going to seek God's will, cry out to him, serve him and trust him to bring you through all that you are encountering in life because whether you believe it or not, he can be trusted for he says emphatically in his word that "No word that proceeds froth from his mouth can return unto him void (Isaiah 55:11, NKJV)."