“They Say!”

This side; That side, male or female, white or black, In Human Power and Leadership or Not In Human Power and Leadership; None of these matters whatsoever, really never did, does nor ever shall.

The Only True and Truth in ALL POWER and Who Remains In Leadership and ALL which is Good and Righteous, remains Only God Almighty.

“PERIOD….” As Amen to God’s Only True Word of ALL Mattering, because even and every Matter ever created, before Now, NOW, and FORVERMORE, does God Remain within, “ALONE!”


“In my awaking this morning; I was once again in my secret place within the heavens located under the tree and by the still waters; the green grass was blowing all around me and the peace was unknown to man in a natural life!”


“It MATTER’s NOT, what any other may think nor believe, nor any other concern to ME! Of what another Matter comes forth, not in Truth nor in Goodness, because to ME, I KNOW and I BELIEVE, in my own believing and not doubting whatsoever, of God’s Greatness within Me, than even My VERY OWN remaining upon this earth, yet, no longer in this world.”

“The Teacher, once again sitting beside me; now in my own acknowledge of prayer and through my meditation of God and His Word, in which HE, HIMSELF, and none other placed within My soul an wrote of Himself upon my heart, came this anointed message of wisdom and the peace brought about in and through the peace of Jesus!”


“Peace, My Peace, I leave with you, in order that you may desire and through your love and desiring of seeking Me, you find Me!”

“For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree beat good fruit.”


“For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.”

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.”

“For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

“It’s in the faith with works which bring about good and bad fruit; for the tree or the vine; is the producer of the fruit in which each shall bring about and the fruit which each one eats becomes their own desires and their likening and following after!”

“Yesterday, today, and forevermore!”

“It is decided by each individual rather they shall follow that which is bad fruit or good fruit;”

“For the knowledge of both good and evil remains for each individual to both acknowledge and to eat from and to grow in that which they themselves follow after!”

“On Their very Own Purpose and desires and will.”

“There truly remains both good and bad; that which is bad shall be pulled up and allowed to dry and then be cast into the fire !”

“God is Love and an ever burning fire of such Power and Force, Truth and consumption of ALL which is both good and all which has become evil.”

“The acceptance of either good or bad, comes forth and the offering of both remains for another to pick from and to desire and therefore becomes their own once they have decided of which fruit they will eat from!”

“Yesterdays, Todays, and Forevermore, shall the burning away of ALL which is not of goodness and righteousness, shall the very same ALL consuming Fire of God’s Love burn up.”

“They Say!”

“This and that, They say, evil is good and good is evil, their believing and their ways, barring the very fruits of un-righteousness and evilness.”

“They Say!”

“Who are they really?” “Everything and Anything which comes against the Word, Way, Truth, and Life, of Jesus, Who truly is The ONLY Word of ALL Matter, which Matters AT ALL!”

“Rotten fruit, produces only that which it has always been; while good fruit produces only that which it has become!”

“Come to Me, ALL, who are hungry and ALL who thirst for Water, and I SHALL Freely give to ALL who do come after the hearing of My Voice, seeking first and at ALL times My Kingdom and My Righteousness; and I Shall Give them Rest, even IN the darkest and most troublesome’ of Time and Matter!”

“Man has tried to mix the fruits, yet the fruit may come forth seeming to be some good and some bad; even producing another fruit and it’s looks and tastes are seeming different from either that which is good and that which is bad! But in the manner of man’s own creating of their own fruits; the mixture become even worse, because it seems to be okay and acceptable to man themselves that they have created an in-between; but truly in mixing and providing for themselves, that which they have mixed does in no manner change good from good nor evil from evil; as the two truly can not be mixed, no more than can darkness ever enter Light, Light matter ALWAYS, overcomes ALL Darkness.”


“In the same manner, that which seems partially good and partially bad, become totally bad, because evil can only beget evil and good only good! There is no in-between; nor was, is and always shall be, that which is birthed out of evil can never become any way good! “NO MORE NOR NO MATTER, can a Male become a female, nor a female a Male in any species!”

“Because True Matter, Matters, everywhere at all times and is never ending in its own Matter.”

“The knowledge between good and evil remains just that; evil is evil and good, good!”

“They Say,”

“We who have offered a mixture of both good and evil; are but evil trying to present itself as good; in order to deceive many, and even the elite if possible!”

“In every same way; believers believe and non believers do not believe!”

“Yet either can change about trying to make up their own mixture of both believing totally in Me and My ways, and following after them alone; knowing that there truly is only One which is Good and Righteous; or go about believing their own make up of doubting and trying to form their own ways in believing that which is false with that which is good!”

“There is but One Way, and One Way alone to believe and accept Me, which is ALL Good, and the only Good.”

‘I AM, Is But One God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and none other is I, I Who AM, The ONLY I AM, of ALL Matter.”

“There is but many ways provided in this season to go astray in following all which is but trickery and deception and falsehoods of going one’s own way, which leads them away from ALL which is truly good and Matter’s and is faithful!”

“It is made to seem somewhat good because man has decided that because without Me, they can become and provide for themselves Life; yet in their own doing their performances become death!”

“True Life and Death, always has been, is and shall always and forevermore remain within each one’s very own MATTER!”


“The fruit’s are the fruit’s and there is no mixing the fruit’s! They are either good or they are evil and their own production becomes the production of either good or either evil!”

“You will know them by their own fruits!”

“Their ways shall either be the ways of good or of evil; picking and trying to produce evil with good; shall only prove to be evil;”

“For one can not say they are good, yet their fruit is evil; no more than one can say they know Me and Love Me yet their own believing and their own ways can only produce evilness and lies and hatred and anger and stealing, harming, hurting and causing pain and suffering, looting and raping and murdering!”

“For these always have been and are and shall always remain evil bad fruit!”

“Nothing else!”


“I have told all concerning the fruit, because truly each shall know another by their own fruit in which they produce; and there is no way for evil to produce anything but rotten fruit; no more than is there any way for good to produce anything but good fruit!”

“All mankind has the knowledge of both good and evil remaining; and each individual has the self ability to pick and decide which they will follow after, knowingly within themselves the tree in which they have decided to become in their own following after either that which is good or that which is evil!”

“Their fruit is produced in order for all others to observe and know each for their own ways!”

“So even in this day and hour, of Matter, Only Individual Matter becomes Everything in Truth Alone. God is and remains the Only True Truth.”


“Therefore, know this also, the bad remains bad and the good shall remain good! And there is no way for not one to be both good and bad!”

“No One can serve both good and evil; for each will be proven by their own hearts desire; proven by their core inside their tree or vine; if one’s core is bad and rotten, then their fruit shall be rotten and bad; at times they may even seem good through seasons where their fruit does not produce, but when their fruit does produce it shall produce either good or bad! Either providing for all good things or providing for all bad things!”


“Fruit, you will know them by their fruit…..”

“They will not be able to hide their fruit once and as it begins to produce, because that which defiles a man, does so from their inside outward; and that which brings about only good things, comes from that one’s own core of their heart!”

“So, NOW, you hear, the Truthand Love Of Truth, of God, in which has the only True Power of giving Sight, Sight within Yourself, to see, while no one has the power of exchanging their own fruit; In Me, and only in and through Me, can ones inner core be changed; because Only I have the power of exchanging ones heart, removing their own cold dead heart; and replacing it with a new fresh flesh heart; I who AM the only Good and Righteous One!”

“For without Me there is no life nor goodness, nor righteousness; yet I have offered to all, Myself, as a living sacrifice; I who Always have been, AM, and Shall Always be; the only true good and righteous One!”

“No Matter What They may Say!”

“All which all are seeing and observing now, for the trees are truly bearing the fruits of their own inner core!”

“While many are producing bad fruit and evil productions; know that the drying time has already begun, so to be burned away in The ALL Consuming Fire of My Love.”

“All who are producing good fruit, these shall ripen and these shall be brought forth strengthen and more providing than ever before! I have pruned and I have spoken within these; their fears are leaving and their cores growing stronger and stronger! For these trees have I Myself planted, and I am their strength and their provider; they know it and they are following after Me! Their mouths shall open everywhere and from them shall I pour out as never before My Spirit My Word upon ALL Mankind!”

Me: “My Reply!”

“Yes Lord, pour Yourself out and open the heavens and command Your army of heaven to come forth; filling the earth with Your Glory; bringing forth revival out of ALL who call You Lord and all who know You, seeking after You, Your goodness and mercy for all others!”

“For truly You alone are the only good and righteous One!”

“Let Your goodness shine in and through ALL who You have planted here upon the earth?”

“For just such a time as these!”



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