No matter how scared a lion might be, it can't be a cat. It will remain a lion.
I fully agree with the government's decision. It is necessary to control the culture in Pakistan a little. Our youth and generation is not understanding when they say that they are following Islam's guidelines as well as wearing western clothes, bikini, jeans, or skirt and my heart is pure. No! They aren't understanding that there are agencies and it's foreign monopoly that's targeting our youth to deviate us from our norms. Would west ever adopt our culture? No. They have made shalwar qameez sound so bad that whoever wears this dress is termed as paindu (backward), those who don't have class... just like it goes for keeping beard. How can one day that a person wearing shalwar qameez and having beard is paindu when the dress of the one {and His (S.a.w.w) family} whose kalma we recite had adopted all of this. I am not criticizing anyone that whoever wears jeans or such is wrong. I just wish to communicate to try to not forget our own traditional dress. Don't forget that fashion can also be followed when wearing shalwar qameez. It has become so difficult to lead youth towards Quran-e-Pak. If these generations keep on getting spoiled and follow the monopoly and agenda made by western culture that people can't figure out prominently, if we keep on dwelling inside of it, we all will perish and won't belong anywhere: neither religion nor this world. No matter how scared a lion might be, it can't be a cat. It will remain a lion.
To analyze how west is continuously meddling in us, if we look at examples from 30 years back, our society reprimanded tights, jeans and little clothes. Respected and renowned families belonging to educated background with good norms never allowed or appreciated their women and men to adopt this where more focus was on dress and less on humanity. So they always carried on with harmonious acts and promoted kindness and sensitivity towards others. Today, this is not the case. It means there is obviously something that's wrong and roaming around us and surrounding us. And that 'something' is nothing else but foreign policy. I myself run an NGO and know this fully well how many enemies there are of Pakistan who wish to destroy Pakistani norms and culture by investing not only thousands or millions but billions of dollars through
International organizations and to spread anarchy related to sects through religious leaders. It is an old saying that if you want to destroy the peace of someone's home, make their own members get into fights. If this happens, they can never succeed. Western agencies have done the same to us. They have instilled fights among us on dress, gender equality, religion. No one thinks that if we cover our own body and wear a modest dress, it is our own benefit. Since I made my personal life anti-social, I am at peace and never worry about posting things on social media for others. If you criticize the covering of body, dress code, or beard, think for a thousand times that this sacred dress was worn by the family of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). If you want to be out of Islam's circle, then you are free to do anything. Nobody will ever go on to criticize a Non-Muslim to say what kind of dress they wear. Only Muslims get criticism. If a Masjid's Imam/molvi is found in a club, you would definitely question him how he can be present in a club. Similarly, a person who takes oath by reciting kalma, that person can't violate such big spheres of life. Human has a free will other than this and Allah has guided about heaven and hell and how to live life. Every human will carry the load of their own acts. Good or bad deeds are for his own good or bad result. If you raise the youth with good upbringing and they turn out good in their life, you will also get virtues. If you promote worldly possessions, singing, dancing, and obscenity in them, how can you expect to attain Jannat? Everything will be calculated with justice. The book of acts will bear even the littlest of our acts. Instead of criticism and saying that the spirit of veil is from the heart and we can wear anything we want, you should clearly blame yourself by admitting that you yourself don't like to wear eastern dress. Dont blame the society or country or government. I have been working for this society since last 7 years. I appear publicly and have yielded great respect even by men in this country and also in foreign countries. They bow their head to me just because of the cover on my head and my work. We make our respect by ourselves. If you think that you would go among men while wearing little clothes, open hair, tight jeans, small shirt, tall heels, deep neck and sit with your leg on leg and expect they won't look at you, then you are extremely stupid. As for men, those who think they can smoke, wear tight jeans, sit in cafes all night and laugh, comment on every passerby girl, won't assist their families' females and won't earn and just play games and use social media or quietly go out with their friends to enjoy, or not give their wife their time, how can they expect the same wife to understand and change herself upon their order? So it's a two-way thing that both men and women need to understand.