No Matter How Far Down The Wrong Road, ...
Elle Vitin
"The Best Way To Predict Your Future & Your Business' Is To Coach-Create It" ~LVitin? | Your Success IS My Success, TEAMingUp To GOAL Completion & RESULTS ~ Only By Invitation & Referral ~ SERVING You = My Privilege
No Matter How Far You Have Gone Down The Wrong Road, TURN BACK ~Turkish Proverb.
This famous proverb applies to one of the many Principles I use to guide and take my clients to Breakthroughs.
I as a Coach use the Most Effective arsenal of tools, strategies and techniques with my clients: they are Proven to be effective and as in everything in life, what works for some does not work for others as much or as well and the same rings true in this case.
So in offering these tools to my clients, I learn to do the 'play-game' and together with my client we will play and figure out together what works for whom and for what.
Other people seldom like to 'play' and in good faith use or even 'impose' on their clients only a set amount of tools just because they are Limited in the number of tools they offer or because they heard that perhaps those tools, techniques or strategies have been working for some people or even tried them on themselves, without understanding the very principle explained here.
It is good to experiment and try lots of things, expecting that many will Not bring the answers we think hence the playfulness.
In my Coaching I, first and foremost, create a Safe Space for my clients where they can be themselves, where they can be vulnerable, passionate, 'rantive', 'bragtive' -my playful naming- to name but a few ... and IT WORKS!!
So remember, whether you are a coachee or not, or you are thinking to work with a PROfessional Coach like me or you are trying things on your own: when you feel that any of the tools, techniques or strategies you are using are not working, don't waste your precious time and energy 'trying' to 'make' something work just because it may work for others and please don't be afraid or worried to put it down and try another tool: Just Simply TURN AROUND & TURN BACK -like in the famous proberv- and You may just be Glad you did.
You Always have a Choice, baby ~ and the Choice is YOURS to make.
Happy Monday! Choose to make this a Great Week and a Great Life! <3
#Coaching #Choices