Mattathias Said “Follow After Me!”
From today’s reading...
"Let everyone who is zealous for the law
and who stands by the covenant follow after me!"
Humans are social creatures.
Since Eve joined Adam and Cain slew Abel we have learned from one another, loved one another, protected one another, battled one another, and followed one another.
In every social setting a leader emerges.
It happens on the playground. It happens in religion. It happens in D.C. It happens in the office. It happens in Hollywood.
Are there bad leaders in “organized religion”? Yes.
Are there bad leaders in D.C.? Yes.
Are there bad leaders in Hollywood? Yes.
So how do you choose your leader?
If you say you’re a leader, not a follower, what are your guiding principles? Who shaped those principles? What shaped you? Or have you not given it much thought? (Then how can you call yourself a leader?)
Being a great leader means you follow a great leader and that’s the only way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.