Matric Results Announcement - Department of Basic Education: An Overview
Today the Department of Basic Education announced the release of the 2020 matric results:
Overall pass rate: 76.2%
- Free State: 85%
- Gauteng: 84%
- Northern Cape: 66%
- Western Cape: 79%
- North West: 76%
- Limpopo: 68%
- Mpumalanga: 74%
- Eastern Cape: 68%
- KwaZulu-Natal: 77%
- Bachelor Degree Passes: 36%
- Diploma Passes: 26%
- Higher Certificate Passes: 14%
- NCS Passes: 0.01%
What You Need To Know
Here is everything you need to know about the matric results of 2020:
- The Department of education compared the class of 2020’s matric results to their results in grade 10 and 11: The 2020 class outperformed the 2019 class in terms of their grade 10 results. The same comparison was made that the 2020 class outperformed the 2019 class in grade 11 results.
- All learner support happened at a national and provincial level: The DBE made sure that all students received national and provincial support in the difficult academic year of 2020.
- DBE Concerned about the drop in critical subjects: The Department of Education is concerned about the drop in these particular subjects, Maths, Geography, Life Science and English FAL
- The May/June examinations were combined with the November/December examinations: This is why so many venues and marking centres were needed in the academic year of 2020.
- 1 Million students wrote: November examinations were for the full and part-time NSC students: There were 607 226 full-time students and 117 808 part-time. With the SC candidates, June NCS candidates, and the MBO candidates, a total of 1 million learners wrote their final matric exams in 2020.
- Special education needs students: 2058 students with special needs wrote the examinations.
- Social grants: There were a total of 356000 inactive grants. This means that the grant was given at some time during their schooling but ended before matric. There were a total of 105 000 active grants. This means students who are still receiving the grants.
- The class of 2020 was not given special treatment from Umalusi: The quality assurance board did not give any special treatment to the class of 2020.
- 409 000 learners passed in 2019: This is the official number of students who passed in 2019.
- Overall the class of 2020 outperformed the class of 2019: With regards to most subjects across the board, the class of 2020 outperformed the class of 2019. This is true in terms of most key subjects and distinctions.
Watch my live stream discussion on the Matric Results on YouTube
Read more about the matric results here.