Maternity, Motherhood and Management
IBM's Linda Menache and PWN Nice - Cote d'Azur (Professional Women's Network) partnered with EDHEC Business School #GlobalMBA's Cécile Benchetrit for their 2nd Power Breakfast Chat for MBA Women.
We spoke about motherhood/maternity in Business. While there is still much progress needed in business, women also need to better apprehend our own fears and attitudes towards the decision to, or not to, start a family and become a working mom.
Today's high potential MBA women looking to start a family are seeking out family friendly firms in locations with maternity and childcare infrastructure. Back to work schemes and greater work hours flexibility may be readying us for improvements ahead. Societal changes like parental leave for men, millennial parenting trends, increased numbers of working women and mothers, plus women having children later in their careers are helping women reclaim their places in the management roster.
Facing our own fears about being both a great mom and/or a great manager, coping with work-life balance, decreased mobility and employability, delegating childcare and the risk of losing opportunities are all things which women need to get their heads around.
Advice? Don't give up! Bring solutions to your business/management, plan ahead and think about how you can get organised, keep in touch with your management while on leave and be clear and transparent about your intentions to return. Be confident in your ability to make it all work, look carefully at which tasks you can delegate and ensure that your partner, family and caregivers are in on it as a team effort. Join supportive networks to see how other successful women make it happen, and if you can, choose your company / job wisely to fit your needs and choices.