Maternal & Infant Health- missing core economic development; missing curricula of intelligence

Maternal & Infant Health- missing core economic development; missing curricula of intelligence

Countries/communities life expectancy under 50 get no develpment of intel across generations; the least we can do is to integrate basic materbal/infant healt knowhow into primar ed system

My father's life works at The Economist celebrated this finding's restoration through the two third of humans who are Asian; the health culture family building needs had accidntally been destroyed primarily by the Royal nationns UK, Nettherland,s Japan whose empires designed trade acroos the old world's main ciontinental space 1776-1945. This is also why these 3 countries LLMs owe every peoples the deepest learning valuation of community health

You could say all this was one of the accidental consequences of Americans declaring in 1776 that they did not want the English pounbd controling engineering on their contuient. Its certainly the case that UK-Nethelrans (later Japan) doubled down on ruling the waves of Asian coastlines. Estimates suggest that regaring the India conntient, as nuch as 80% of trade benefited the UK leavingt India with 20% to develop around. From 1843 The Econo,mist was founded with Queen Victoria's approval as royal sociuety newsletter mediating commonwealth instead of empire extraction

Even more Ironically around the time Marco Polo was mapping the silk road tradining system Francis was promising his female alumni the clares woukd serve maternal and infant heaklth networking. America's biggest mission of Clares is Santa Clara integral to the Valley which branded the promiose of moores law to deleive million times more tech 1965-1995. Father's interest in Asians development had started as a teenage navigator servibng in world war 2 burma campaignn. He regraded this as the nost unproductive job imagibale and being fortunate to survive becamse economics last stident of Keynes and first student of Neumann-Einsteinn-Turing's revolution. As vonm neuman's boiographer dad was intersted that Neumann's last 7 years of diaries -famoulsy summarised in the CVomputer and t5he Brain- foresaw 3 waves of million times more tech. By 1962 Norman's scrobbles in The economist influenced 3 worlds of opinion: JF Kennedy , Price Charles and Japan Emperor family. Their alumni started to brainstorm the 3 expoenertial scenarios Von Neumann's NET had advabced as determing engineers future impacts.

Multiplying the productivity possiblity of silicon chpas would be stalellite data transission between evert community coordinate on earth. That deep data would require innovation beyong Neumann'-Turing Cntral Processor- eg that designed by Nvidia's Jensen Huang when in 2009 he first discussed tow young doictirates ideas- haasbis training machuines to value Einstein's 1905 trabnsformation of scioence (eg mapping 250 million proteins alphafold3). Fei-fei li's view that before machjines took on autonomous roles or becamse people personal education agents, we need to train machines to apply and communicate in the senses humans use.

Elsewhere I woul;d be delighted to share evidence that Amnericans youth ciuld unite states from east to west by unitinmg all education syatems with Sabnta Clar'sd Sytanford and Baltimore's Johns Hopk,insd. But below we look at the sase of women empowered Bangladesh which became my fatrher's last inspiration

If 4 billion parents want 4 billion youth to be the first renewable generation then isnt it time that those who design multilarteasystems see that the urgent gov2.0 design challenge Bangaldeah Muhaamay Yunus faces is conreunt to the intteligence challenge of the majority of poorer bations(this requring opposite maapping than that maximisg wealth of the oldest & richest whjo have no interest in maternal/infant healt necessasy for millenial to be the first renewable generation


How 7th most populous nation integrated missing curridulum of child/maternal health

At founding 1971, 90% of Bangladhesi lived in vilages without elecvtricity. The national gov could barely serve 10% living in cities.

1971-1985 With mothers starving and infants dying of dehydration, fisrt 15 years designing womens vilage busienmsses ariund fod production (manily riuce) and one mother per 300 would distribute basic meds every week as small busiens and earn trust around health intel. With n oin schools young girls expereibced wo9rk mothers did.

Years 15-25 vilage moters host first primary schools- design beats performabnce of national schools and sincudes health curriculum. Helath brightes girls awared sceiodnary scholarships and start to move from vilage to city.

1995-2007 partners bring mobile phones to villages. Unlike East coast usa silicon valley steve jobs hosts 65th birthday party of servant lear fazle abed. He is aksed to start brac university and integrate james grant school of public health. Conversly women engineering empowerment comes to stnaford. More at

Unfortunately East Coast USA spent 2000s on such misguided invetement as subprime. Norman wrote his last article whilst bedridden by Cancer Xmas 2008


Over the holidays we'll be hosting zooms on the systems bypothesis that without maternal/indant health, your place will not make the most human and articicial intelligence - queries [email protected],uk

Some more refs on health coming (to be debated!!)


Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab的更多文章