Material Plane Mastery
Jen McKelvie
Consultant - Merging spiritual technologies with business strategies for higher quality leadership, harmonious well-being, amplified impact and results you're proud of.
It is my firm belief that ALL paths lead to God.
And that is because there is no place else to go.
If all paths lead to God, and we can truly trust in that… That then means that all persuits are Holy. And if all persuits are holy, that means ALL.
Including the persuit of money, wealth, material products, success.
I have pushed this belief down for so long that I forgot it was one of my very real and very effective paths to the Divine.
When I lived in NYC and was making bank working in construction, you better believe I viewed that as spiritual. There was no other way for me to A. get through the ‘adventure’ that working with 400 men is and B. feel ‘good’ about the money, power & influence I had unless I could zoom way out and see the higher purpose in all of it. See the personal growth and all the ways that what I was engaged in was actually for the highest good of all.
I prayed daily for strength, grace, poise, safety and to be a light. I was the first woman many of these men had ever actually worked with, so I needed all the help I could get.
After I left NYC and started my first business in Architecture + Construction Management, I found again that if money was not a priority of mine, I floundered. If the carrot of material plane goodies went away, I was just left with the stick. And I found myself time and again over the years dipping into the red, using up my savings, followed by some sort of depression and then a remembering…
I love what money allows me to experience. How it supports me and those I love. I love how it feels when I see my bank account go UP and I love how it feels to pay others, to invest, to purchase, to support. I love that the more money I have, the higher quality my material plane existence is for me AND FOR EVERYONE I TOUCH. I love how money has always enriched not only my experience of my existence but also of my experience of the Divine.
Money has always been my bestie. Until I forget, act like money isn’t important and start saying shit like ‘it isn’t about the money.’
For is.
Because ‘it’ being about the Benjamins, baby, is how I propel myself higher and higher, deeper and deeper into my relationship with Life, myself and God.
Money is not everyone’s catalyst, but it’s more people’s catalyst than want to admit.
To be vulnerable, the last year has been a challenge. The entire life change of moving to another continent has really done a number on me. In the past year, I haven’t lost my ambition, but I did misplace my hunger for money. I got distracted by all the other changes that I was navigating and forgot that money is always the golden throughline.