Matching 1st Party Claims To Advocacy Groups
We’ve learned that a best practice for collecting 1st party claims is having different collectors for the claims. We’ve also learned that if we can get better frontend organizing, we can have more effective advocacy. The key is in having identified collectors and a sharing agreement for the incoming claims. Your 1st party claim collector is important to engagement. And you should always consider the policies that will be used by the collector. Because having transparent policies will raise the confidence and trust simultaneously. To keep the confidence, the collector needs to be connected to others with similar claims. And the collector has to take the responsibility for handling the claims or answers. When the input is needed, requested or demanded; who will do it? is the largest alliance of 1st party claim collectors. It’s our policies that have been developed along the way that matter most.
From the first actual person that shared their 1st party witness and experience. I started seeking better policies and solutions and they started emerging. as a group has learned to better problem solve by starting with advocacy assistance for the one with the problem, at the time of the problem. We learned that the crucial factor of having a fair and equal first step approach to problem solving had been missing. It so happened that we learned from heavily increasing the amount of incoming 1st party claims. Once we started connecting claims to advocates, organizers and interested ones we did more. We started comparing, tracking and cross-checking. What we did with the lessons we learned was to start sharing those lessons to expand 1st party engagement. We do that through developing mutual agreements to have exchange and sharing of 1st party claims.