Match Your Training Content to Your Learners
You have training content. You have people who you want to train.
?Can’t you just stand back and let people find the training they need and take it?
?Maybe you could do that. But if you do, your training will quickly become random, disorganized, untrackable, ineffective and chaotic.
?How do you start organizing your training materials so you can get the most from them? To do that, you need to learn to get more from your Learning Management System, your LMS.
?Start by considering and listing who your learners are and the courses you have for them. If you are a retailer, perhaps you have franchise owners, store managers, district managers, salespeople, technicians, and more. List them.
Once you define who your users are, your next step is to organize the training content that is in your LMS into separate catalogs for each of those groups.
?After defining who your groups of learners are, your next step is to think about who should have access to your different catalogs, and how they can access the training materials in them.
?You can, for example, give only certain people access to certain catalogs. Your salespeople, for example, might not be able to access the training materials that will be used by store managers. In other words, certain catalogs are restricted, which means that only certain employee groups can access them.
?To look at this issue from the opposite perspective, certain groups of employees have open access to certain catalogs, and not to others. Salespeople or district managers, for example, might have unlimited access to certain catalogs.
Furthermore, you might choose to allow members of specific groups to self-enroll in courses that are contained in specific catalogs. You might decide, for example, to allow all your store managers to self-enroll in any of the courses in the catalog you have set up in your Manager Training catalog.
?Another thing to consider? If you have specific training for upper-level executives and leaders, that will belong in a separate catalog too. Only executives at those high ranks will be allowed to self-enroll.
To summarize . . ..
Know who your learners are and organize your content catalogs for them.