Three new ASM workshops announced this week
This week we have received news of three new workshops for the Annual Science Meeting in November: 1) Linking conservation/restoration projects with community empowerment; 2) Tracking top predators in marine renewable energy development areas; and 3) Innovations in sea lice monitoring. Find out more on our ASM webpage.
This week's featured photo is from MASTS Executive Director
David Paterson
. Want to get involved? Submit your photo to [email protected]
- GO Science Survey to gather your views on how you engage with the UK Government
Met Office
request for more marine-based evidence for the 4th UK Climate Change Risk Assessment
National Oceanography Centre
has released the National Marine Facilities Technology Roadmap 23/24.
- 2 new publications from MASTS members - Prof Andrew Sweetman (SAMS-UHI) and Jake Smallbone (University of Essex)
- Open Forum Sessions from the MASTS Numerical and Experimental Hydrodynamic Modelling Forum and the MASTS Aquatic Stressors Forum.
ECOPs Network European Marine Board
Webinar - Marine environmental policies: How do they get implemented and how to engage.
Funding Opportunities
- New vacancies from University of Plymouth and MARE-Madeira
News from the Forums
MASTS Open Forum Session “Particle Tracking”.
The MASTS Numerical and Experimental Hydrodynamic Modelling Forum is excited to host a free Open Forum Session on Particle Tracking Modelling. The session will include 2 talks from members of the NEHM Steering Group, who will give insights into their work. August 21 at 10:00 am - 11:00 am. Find out more here.
MASTS Open Forum Session from “Aquatic Stressors”.
MASTS Open Forum Session "Aquatic Stressors", 29th?August 10-11am on Zoom
The Aquatic Stressors?Research Forum?is excited to host this free Open Forum Session to give members of the MASTS community an insight into their field. The session will include talks by Dr Jeremy Anbleyth-Evans?(University of Aberdeen) on "Marine Democracy in Scotland and Chile" and Forum Convenor?Prof Frances Orton?(Heriot-Watt University) on "Quantifying Levels And Intensities Of Environmental Stressors Across A Wide Range Of Pond Types".?For more information and to register for this event, please visit the MASTS Website.?
Annual Science Meeting 2024
- “Linking conservation/restoration projects with community empowerment”. The purpose of this workshop is to start a discussion regarding how to transition existing marine conservation/restoration research projects into ongoing community-led environmental projects through community empowerment. It will include short presentations by those working with communities on conservation/restoration projects, detailing lessons learned and best practice. This will be followed by a facilitated session to identify a generic theory of change.
- “Tracking top predators in marine renewable energy development areas”. An opportunity for the marine wildlife tracking community (i.e., academia and industry) to come together to identify key knowledge gaps and provide “best practice” guidance on the advantages and limitations of tracking data in the context of assessing effects of marine renewables on wildlife.
- “Innovations in sea lice monitoring”. Scotland is undergoing a new approach to sea lice management through the new sea lice risk assessment framework. The framework calls for improved sea lice monitoring methods, both targeting the in-water larval stages as well as automation of sea lice counting on farms. This workshop will look at innovations in methods for monitoring sea lice.
GO Science Survey
- Please share your views by 16 August. The Academic Engagement team at the Government Office for Science would like to gather your views on how you engage with the UK Government. The information will be used to understand current academic engagement with UK Government and to build an evidence base for a scoping project to increase the number of mid-career scientists in the Civil Service at senior levels, permanently. Please click here to fill out the survey. They would welcome views from early career researchers all the way to senior researchers and from a broad range of disciplines.
CCRA4 call for evidence
- The
Met Office
have put out a call for evidence for the 4th UK Climate Change Risk Assessment and have specifically asked for more marine-based evidence for this CCRA. The initial call will close at the end of September 2024. The link is here Climate Change Risk Assessment Independent Assessment (CCRA4-IA) Technical Report - Met Office. It is a simple tick box form about the sectors or cross-cutting themes your evidence relates to. Evidence can be in the form of academic papers, project reports and other grey literature. It can be submitted via live links, uploads (up to 5mb per file) or even freeform text. They are looking for anything published after June 2020.
NOC National Marine Facilities Technology Roadmap 23/24
- European Marine Board ECOP Wednesday: Marine environmental policies: How do they get implemented and how to engage with Sa?o Gorjanc. 7 August at 1300. Register here.
- PGRs wanted for Storytelling Workshop: There are some spaces for PGRs on a Storytelling and knowledge exchange training workshop that is being hosted by Heriot-Watt University and led by expert instructor Dr Alette Willis, on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 August. If you are a PGR interested in learning how to communicate your science to more diverse audiences, then take part in this training opportunity that will give you the tools and techniques to ensure your research is engaging and memorable! Places are free of charge for PGR participants and funding is available for travel and accommodation too! Priority will be given to NERC funded PGRs. If you interested in attending, please reach out to
Lauren McWhinnie
Funding Opportunities
- NEW - The Supergen ORE Hub Seventh Early Career Research fund is now open. Deadline: 12 noon (BST), Monday 16 September 2024. The fund is designed to be a flexible research fund for ECRs to support small activities that either supports and develops your existing research activities or develops your skills further. Applications should be directed at offshore wind, wave, or tidal energy research. Multi-disciplinary or multi-sectoral proposals are welcomed. Maximum project costs: £5,000 FEC (direct costs only), of which 80% will be eligible for funding by the Supergen ORE Hub.