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What is Mastic Asphalt?
Mastic Asphalt, which is a building material used for roofing and flooring material, is similar to concrete asphalt as it forms a very dense and solid surface layer below average temperature values. At high temperatures, mastic asphalt forms a dense, liquid layer that can run off or spread over a floor.
The most prominent difference between mastic asphalt and asphalt concrete lies in the level of permeability of these products. Asphalt concrete is generally very permeable. Mastic asphalts, on the other hand, are almost waterproof and can be used where dehumidification is required.
The quality of impermeable mastic asphalt is directly proportional to the high bitumen ratio. Bitumen is a by-product of the petroleum production process and is used as a binder in asphalt products. The bitumen ratio, which helps the aggregates to be bonded closer together to stay away from moisture, is two times higher in mastic asphalt than in concrete asphalt.
Aggregate may contain sand, gravel or different stone materials. Polymer compounds and pigments are added to color the material or increase strength and durability. Manufacturers often include a material called lake asphalt in mastic mixes. This product, called lake asphalt, is a naturally occurring mineral similar to bitumen. This material helps the aggregate particles to hold together more.
Mastic asphalt is used for paving sidewalks, highways, garage entry and exit roads and parking areas. It is also frequently applied on roofs with its successful waterproofing feature. In addition, it can be used as a coating material in factories and other industrial production facilities, especially to prevent deformation of areas exposed to frequent spills or high rates of chemical use.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mastic Asphalt
For contractors and homeowners, this material has many advantages. In particular, it provides insulation against water and many fluid or non-fluid chemicals. It keeps harmful vermin away and is resistant to deterioration caused by these vermin. It is also very robust and long-lasting. Gum mixes are also virtually non-flammable and are fairly easy to recycle to prevent harm to the environment.
Let's talk about the disadvantages of this product. Since it contains petroleum-based products in the form of bitumen, it has a harmful odor and may produce harmful gases for a long time since the construction of the facility. Also, as with other asphalt products, this product needs high temperatures when paving.