Master's Degree in COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling: Chemical Engineering and Electrochemistry
Image obtained from the model entitled "Wire Electrode" (Application ID: 3471), by COMSOL.

Master's Degree in COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling: Chemical Engineering and Electrochemistry

The Multiphysics Modeling School (MMS) [1] offers the Online Master's Degree in COMSOL Multiphysics Modeling, in four different versions:

  • Electromagnetism & Optics
  • Structural Mechanics & Acoustics
  • Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer
  • Chemical Engineering & Electrochemistry

Today, we focus on Chemical Engineering & Electrochemistry. This master aims at professionals and researchers who wish to perform modeling in these areas. The program will deal in depth with specific topics, such as Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics, General Electrochemistry, Battery, Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Design, Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Species Transport, and Multiphysics Couplings. In addition, participants will take basic and advanced courses. See Table 1.

Table 1: Structure of the Master's Degree: Chemical Engineering & Electrochemistry.

A more detailed description of the concentration courses follows.

Chemical Engineering and Thermodynamics

  • This course comprises chemical reaction engineering and thermodynamics. We list and describe in detail the physics interfaces corresponding to simulation in the field of chemical reaction engineering: the Reaction Engineering interface and the Chemistry interface. Examples which can be studied with these interfaces include tank reactors, food processes, catalytic converters and filters, mixtures, medical technology, pharma processes, chemical vapor deposition and electrokinetics effects among others.

General Electrochemistry

  • The content of this course includes an introduction to electrochemistry along with the different models of current distributions, specific studies and interfaces and applications. After a brief general introduction to electrochemistry and electrochemical reactions, the physical interfaces corresponding to primary, secondary and tertiary current distributions are listed and described in detail. Electrochemical applications encompass cyclic voltammetry, waste water treatment, the desalination of seawater, and electrocatalysis.

Battery, Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Design

  • In this course, we will study battery modeling in the first part, while fuel cells and electrolyzers are discussed in the second part. We start with an introduction to battery modeling and a description of the different battery types and operating principles, along with the presentation of homogeneous and heterogeneous modeling levels. For instance, batteries such as thouse based on lithium-ion, lead-acid or generic ones are possible to study. On the other hand, different type of electrolyzers and fuels cells can be fully modeled. These include devices based on polymer electrolyte membranes, alkaline, solid oxide, etc.

Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Species Transport

  • This course deals with single and multiphase flows, basic concepts of heat transfer modeling and species transport, considering free and porous media. All these phenomena are ubiquitous in chemical engineering and electrochemical systems. In the way, studying fluid flow and reactions in gases and liquids in a reactor is possible as well as including thermal phenomena.

Multiphysics Couplings

  • The content of this course comprises the basic description of couplings and the main multiphysics couplings in chemical and electrochemical engineering.

Stay tuned for the upcoming news where we will describe other master’s concentrations.

See further information in the following links:




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