Masterpiece Qing Dynasty Qianlong Marked and Period Famille Rose Vase
This is a absolutely wonderful Qing Dynasty Qianlong Marked and Period Famille Rose Vase 1736- 1795. This Vase was created using several bands and levels of decorations and shows the great skill it took to make this piece. Some of the Vase has been incised, the band around the shoulder shows thousands of very controlled tiny pin point droplets of enamel, The Leaves, branches, flowering blooms, and butterfly's are very delicately painted. It's important to look carefully and zoom in on the leaves, flowers, and branches you will see the detail, colors, and shading that gives balanced and depth to this piece. Collectors must learn to recognize the differences of a good piece compared to great piece or masterpieces. Most Qing Pieces if you look close at them you will see and understand they were painted by less skilled artist,they will look flat without balance, detail or depth. Pay attention to the details and color balance and shading this will help you to see and understand the difference. This Vase used a few strands of hair brush for much of these decorations and some strokes look to be using a single strand. There is a slight firing flaw along the blue base where the blue shrunk slightly and you can see a couple small areas of white. The Vase has a poem on the back and also has the Qianlong mark on the bottom that lines up with the center of the main decoration which is typical in Imperial Qianlong pieces. This Vase Measures approx.16 1/8 inches Tall. SEE AT