Paul White
Author, writer, publisher, digital artist, book cover designer, photographer, creative
I find myself sitting here with the compulsion to write an amazing Rambling for you today.
You see, I am in the mood to write. I do not mean I just fancy a writing session; I mean I have an urge, a compulsion to splatter letters and characters across the page in some deeply meaningful and creative form.
I want to write something that will draw you in and amaze you with its relevance and connection to your own life.
Yet there is where it stops.
I have the will and the desire, a deep craving, the lustful wanting for the feel of words dripping from my pen onto this page.
But that yearning is, as yet, unrequited.
I shall stand, literally unclothed, bare my all to you in saying that I am flummoxed as what to actually say.
Please do not get me wrong. I am not suffering from that mythical condition referred to as writers block, far from it in fact.
Yet I cannot gather my flock of random thoughts and round them into a single heard of consistency. Today my mind is like the wilderness of a Welsh hillside scattered with evasive lambs, bleating at me with disdain.
So I shall write as this day affects me, and as the title of my WordPress blog suggests…..Randomly!
I know that many of you, the artistic and creative folk, the writers and poets, painters and singers, will at some point have struggled with a situation similar to this; where your heart and soul are committed, but your mind is playing truant, playing football in the park or still snuggling into the soft down of your pillow.
Today, (so far), that is where I am.
I have projects to complete, or at least progress. Poems & short stories I wish to write, and this Rambling, this classic tome of astute wisdom and intelligent acumen…..I think not.
But I do think that what my mind is telling me, is that it needs to rest. That it needs time to itself to mull over all that I have perceived and observed recently.
My concentration has been to keenly focused for too long on one basic set of tasks. Like any athlete we all must make rest and relaxation part of our training regime.
We must also understand the need for ‘recovery time’ as do sportsmen, say after running, or in my case, writing a great amount. While we writers may not always be physically regarded as god like bronzed Adonis’s, or indeed lithe and sensual Venuses, our minds are often far more agile and supple than many others might be.
Therefor we too can overwork and strain ourselves, so take time to ‘chill-out’, meditate, or simply
do something as energetic as you can which will make you concentrate purely on that activity, thereby giving your brain a rest from the exertion of consistent creativeness.
You shall then return refreshed and renewed, with the vigour and clarity to create a masterpiece; the like of which has escaped from me today!
I do hope you enjoyed this latest ‘Rambling’ of mine. To read more irreverent irrelevance take a look at my blog, Further Ramblings
Thank you, Paul.
Family History and Genealogy Researcher
10 年Yes, very good and understandable..perspective and likewise, I should be on a project instead of just thinking about it. I am asking myself and I doing this right? Anyhow I am doing my research, and about to let the cat out of the bag!