Masterpiece // Ephesians 2:10

Masterpiece // Ephesians 2:10

By Mark Jordan | Spiritual Advisor

I love today’s verse! We see how Paul said we are God’s handiwork. This comes from the Greek word, poiēma, which is where we get our word, poem. It can also be translated as, masterpiece. I’ve seen some masterpieces in my life, but can’t say I would consider myself one. How about you? But as we read in the Bible, God saved us because of who He is, not just who we are, and in so doing declares us an eternal masterpiece. The Lord rejoices in us, how He made us, and sees His glory reflected in us. This isn’t impeded by our faults — perceived or realized — because God is weaving us all together so our strengths and weaknesses alike complement the greatness of God. So, remember that you will not see anyone today who lacks the potential to be a masterpiece. They might need a little encouragement, but you can reflect the image of God and light of Christ as you help others begin to catch a glimpse of the masterpiece within.



