Mastering Your Mind: The Key to Samadhi through Kriya Yoga

Mastering Your Mind: The Key to Samadhi through Kriya Yoga


Kriya literally means work and mortification, study & surrender of the fruits of work to the god/supreme self is called kriya yoga which is the preliminary step that we must take up slowly to attain samadhi.

Holding the reins firmly while guiding this body & mind, not letting the body do anything it likes, but keeping them both in proper control is called mortification.

The obstructions to yoga arise from the lack of this control and causes us pain. They can only be removed by denying the mind and holding it in check through mortification, study & surrender.

The pain-bearing obstructions are – ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion & clinging to life. These bind us down & ignorance is the mother of all the rest. Flowing through its own nature, which is established even in the learnt, is the clinging to life.

This clinging to life is manifested in every animal and upon it, many attempts have been made to build the theory of a future life, because men like their lives so much that they desire a future life also.

To westerners, the idea that this clinging to life indicates a possibility of a future life applies only to men but does not include other animals.

To easterners, this clinging to life has been one of the arguments to prove past experience & existence.

If it be true that all our knowledge has come from experience, then it is sure that which we never experienced, we cannot imagine or understand.

For instance, as soon as chickens are hatched, they begin to pick up food. Many times, it has been seen where ducks have been hatched by hens, that as soon as they come out, they flew to the water and the mother thought they would be drowned.

If experience be the only source of knowledge, where did these chickens learn to pick up food or the ducklings, that water was their natural element? If you say it is instinct, it means nothing – it is simply giving it a word, but no explanation.

What is instinct? We have many instincts in ourselves.

Another instance – Say you play the piano. Remember how you first start to learn it, how carefully you press the black & white keys, one after the other but after long years of practice, you can talk with people and your fingers go on just the same. It has become instinct automatic but so far as we know, all the cases which we now regard as automatic are degenerated reason.

In the language of the yogi – instinct is involved reason.

Discrimination becomes involved & gets to be automatic samskaras. Therefore, it is perfectly logical to think that all we call instinct in this world is simply involved reason. As reason cannot come without experience, all instinct is therefore the result of past experience.

Modern scientific men hold that it belongs to the body, but yogis hold that it is the experience of the soul transmitted through the body.

This is called the theory of reincarnation & the recurring experiences of various fears in case of time, produce this clinging to life. That is why a child is instinctively afraid, because the past experiences of pain is there. Even in the most learned men, who know that this body will go, who say “never mind: we have hundreds of bodies; this soul cannot die” – even in them, with all their intellectual conviction, we still find this clinging to life.

What is clinging to life? – In the psychological language of yoga, it’s called samskaras – fine, hidden & are sleeping in the chitta(pure intelligence). All the past experiences of death, all that we call instinct, is experience stored in our subconscious.

It lives in the chitta and is not inactive but is working underneath. These chitta vrittis (mind waves), which are gross, we can appreciate & feel; they can be more easily controlled but what about the finer instincts like wrath, sloth, gluttony, envy, lust, greed, pride.

How can they be controlled? Feelings like wrath and other finer instincts must be controlled in the root, in their finer form before even we become conscious that they are acting upon us, then alone shall we be able to burn out the very seed as "fried seeds thrown into the ground will never come up, so these finer instincts will never arise".


Time Traveller On Earth

Founder at Time Traveller On Earth

1 年


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