Mastering Uncertainty
Today I have wrestled with what it means to live a creative life. I often think of what it takes, but actually, a bigger question is what IS a creative life?
To live a creative life does not require performing a craft - though many do and are this.
I believe living a creative life can be choosing to be creative WITH your life. Being brave. Bold. Vulnerable. Adventurous. Finding a way to live on your own terms. To stand by what you believe in. Being answerable to yourself and your own values. Trusting yourself to handle what comes up, without knowing what that will be.
I have lived a creative life -- and that has not always felt like the wisest move. VUCA comes to mind- Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous, and in the creative Industries, very much also Competitive.
It can be thrilling, exciting, always interesting ... though downright scary, and very uncertain at times.
I can find it can be quite challenging to keep up with the pace of change in the world today.
It feels like the pace is accelerating.
Is it?
And either way, is it a problem?
In nature change is continuous and unstoppable. It is, change or die -(and even then, decay is change too). And that’s not a bad thing, it is just how it is.
If you have had a secure job all your life and AI comes and knocks you out the back door, you may not have anywhere to go unless you change ... and you might have a big problem.
One of the great skills to master in a changing world is being good at handling UNCERTAINTY.
Are you? -- share below, I would love to know if and how you handle uncertainty.
I'd love to hear --
What worries you about how the world is changing?
Is it a problem for you?
How is it a problem for you?
Would you like to be better at handling uncertainty? What would it give you if you were a Master at Uncertainty?
Message below, I would love to know how you are impacted by or handle Uncertainty.
Message below if you have any secret sauce that you can offer about how you handle/ master/ thrive in uncertainty.
Message me if you'd like to join a discussion with me on a Saturday morning via zoom where we dive into Mastering Uncertainty.
Register in advance to save your place for the FREE zoom webinar
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
09:30 AM Australia/Melbourne
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Or email me on [email protected]
I'd so love to hear from you.