Mastering Success: Predicting Resources, Time, and Costs estimates!
Muhammad Farhan
Leading Generative AI adoption for accurate, cost-effective solutions.
It is necessary to have at least a rough estimation of total costs for testing activities as well as test completion dates. Test estimation is used to estimate the effort, cost and timelines for testing. Some teams use their past experiences and also apply judgments by various informal techniques such as 4:1 ratio -
4:1 ratio implies that for every 4 hours of development work, there is typically 1 hour of testing or quality assurance work.
These are informal estimation guideline and may vary based on the complexity of the project, the quality requirements, the experience of the team, and the specific context of the software being developed.
Accurately estimating testing effort and timeline helps in planning the project better.
The test estimates must:
Best practices in project management for estimating effort are well established. Test estimation uses the same best practices in test activities required for a project.
It should include all testing activities given below:
Management teams are usually most interested in test execution timelines because software testing is usually on the critical path of a project plan.
But estimation of test execution is not easy to produce as well as doubtful, if software quality is low or worse, unknown.
The estimates are also affected by how familiar the estimator is with the system.
How many test cases will be required during testing is usually guesstimated. But this works if product has less defects.
So, all assumptions used in the estimation process must be documented.
Factors affecting Test Estimation
Many factors can affect cost incurred, effort required and duration of testing. Estimates must be made by considering all possible factors, some of which are:
While making estimates, Test Manager should take into consideration the quality and stability of software that will be delivered to them for testing.
If best practices like continuous integration and unit test automation are used in the development phase, it will result in the reduction of 50% of the defects before it goes for testing.
Agile methodology also has been reported to produce high quality product for testing by removing defects.
Test Estimation Techniques
Estimates owner may take a top-down or bottom-up approach to test estimation using one or more of these methods:
Once an estimation is done, it must be reported to the management, together with supporting data for arriving at those estimates.
There might be some discussions after this, resulting in estimate revisions.
In an ideal scenario, the final estimate should balance the expectations of both the organization and the project team in terms of product quality, project schedules, budgets and product features.
It must be remembered that any estimate is prepared on the availability of data at that instance. In the preliminary stages of the project, the amount of available information would be quite less.
If more relevant information is received as the project progresses, the estimates must be updated to keep them correct.
You can review the explanation for estimation techniques in software testing given in the Foundation level for testers against the one provided above for Test Managers, to see how they differ in the knowledge expected from each level.