Mastering Self-Discipline

Mastering Self-Discipline

When considering #innovation for oneself, it is no secret that one must go through some pain or discomfort to rise to the new level. Every level up gets us closer to the person we would like to be. Realizing the prize will only be possible through self-discipline. This piece shares tips on mastering self-discipline.

Mastering Self-Discipline in Order to #Innovate

Mastering self-discipline gives the opportunity to firmly take control over the course of one’s days and steer in the direction that will allow for desired results. Self-discipline is more desirable than motivation or passion because one thing guaranteed is that there will be days when emotions, boredom, fear, etc. will set in and the fuel that will keep you going is self-discipline. Repeated actions over time will eventually show themselves; positive outcomes are the result of positive action repeated over time.

Whilst most people understand that it is self-discipline that will allow them to advance in their careers, to remain healthy, to have great relationships, etc. some might believe that they do not have it within them to be self-disciplined. The good news is that self-discipline is not innate but learned. Self-discipline is a skill that can be learned and improved over time and not the reserve of a select few. Those who master self-discipline overcome limits and develop a sense of self-confidence. Daniel Goldstein said, “think of self-discipline as a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.”

Self-discipline presents the advantages of developing winning habits, overcoming procrastination, maintaining consistency, prioritizing plans, managing time well, maintaining focus, and building reputation.

But how can one develop self-discipline? Maybe you find yourself in a situation where you typically go with the flow of waking up in the morning, prepping to go to work, being at work, and then going home. However, something is stirring inside of you to finally finish writing that book, or start that fitness regime, or pick up playing guitar again, or complete the course that will help improve your career. You think about it and almost lose heart because you remember the many times you tried before but failed and gave up altogether. Be encouraged, you can get back on track. The tips below will help you develop self-discipline.

1.??????Start with a positive mindset. As mentioned earlier, self-discipline is not the reserve of a few but can be accessed by every person. Believing in yourself and your ability to develop the discipline you need to achieve the goal you set out is critical before embarking on your endeavor to #innovate.

2.??????Break down your goal into monthly, weekly, and daily achievable mini goals. The British physicist and mathematician, William Thomson Kelvin, said, “What is not defined cannot be measured. What is not measured, cannot be improved. What is not improved, is always degraded”. Record your progress and purpose to improve a day at a time.

3.??????Embrace “small.” You had a very busy day and can’t work-out for the 1 hour you hoped to, work-out for 15 minutes. Read 5 pages if you can’t read 50. The point is, not everyday will be ideal, if you can squeeze in the small then do so.

4.??????Cut yourself some slack. None of us is fully in control of all variables. There will be periods when no matter how much you try things will not go as planned. Accept those moments and when things get better, pick yourself up and try again.

5.??????Get an accountability partner. Have someone on your side that keeps tabs on your journey to your goal. They will encourage you, push you and help you realize inner strength to get you to where you want to be.

6.??????Start your day early. No doubt that which you want to achieve will need you to carve time out of your day for it. If you start your day earlier, you increase the odds of having time for that practice. Many studies for example have shown that early risers are more successful in their professional lives; employees achieve at a higher level of productivity and are more responsible.

7.??????Reward yourself for every mini goal attained. Nothing maladaptive though; it makes no sense to treat yourself to a tin of ice-cream after successfully eating healthy and exercising for one week for example.

8.??????Don’t give up! It is okay to fall and rise many times. It is not okay to fall and stay down.?


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