Mastering Playwright Commands
Bakkappa N
YouTuber @ Testers Talk | Content Creator | Playwright Cypress Selenium SDET Rest Assured API Postman | Automation Testing | QA Test Lead
There are several playwright commands which we use it in daily basis. listed down all the important commands.
->Start installing Playwright. -
npm init playwright@latest
1. Install Browsers manually -
npx playwright install
2. Runs the end-to-end tests -
npx playwright test
3. Starts the interactive UI mode -
npx playwright test --ui
4. Runs the tests only on Desktop Chrome -
npx playwright test --project=chromium
5. Runs the tests in a specific file -
npx playwright test example
6. Runs the tests in debug mode -
npx playwright test --debug
7. Auto generate tests with Codegen -
npx playwright codegen
8. dotenv Package Installation Command -
npm install dotenv --save
9. csv-parse Package Installation Command -
npm install csv-parse
10. faker-js plugin for test data generation -
npm install @faker-js/faker --save-dev 1
1. luxon plugin for custom dates -
npm install --save luxon
===== Playwright Automation Full Courses =====
-> Playwright Full Course -
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course -
-> Playwright with Azure DeveOps Pipeline -
-> Playwright with CRM application testing -
===== Playwright GitHub Repositories =====
-> Playwright Full Course -
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course -
-> Playwright with Azure DeveOps Pipeline -
-> Playwright with CRM application testing -
-> Playwright with JavaScript Framework [UI + API] -
-> Playwright with TypeScript Framework [UI + API]-
Learn more about Playwright:
-> Playwright API Testing Crash Course
-> Playwright with Azure Devops Complete guide
-> Testing Microsoft CRM application using Playwright
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