Mastering `Optional` in Java: Eliminate Nulls Enhancing Code Readability

Mastering `Optional` in Java: Eliminate Nulls Enhancing Code Readability

Disclaimer: For the best experience, read this article in its original MD format, that includes embedded code snippets and references to code examples.

Nulls in Java

`null` in Java is a special value that represents the absence of a reference to any object in memory at runtime.

This brings two main problems when coding in Java


Any object and variable can potentially hold a `null` value at runtime. When accessing an object that has a `null` value, a runtime exception (`NullPointerException`) will be thrown interrupting the normal flow of the program. This might lead to unpredictable behaviour during runtime.

For example, the following code is not null-safe


Therefore the code is unpredictable at runtime:

  • when `object` is not `null`, then it will `doSomething`
  • when `object` is `null`, then it will not `doSomething` and will interrupt the flow with a `NullPointerException`.

To make your code null-safe you need to explicitly check for `null` before accessing any object, which also increases the complexity and makes your code much more verbose

if (object != null) {

To illustrate this problem with some real code:

public record Address(String street, String city) {}

Function<Address, String> composeAddress = (address) -> address.street().concat(;        

Will have the following behaviour at runtime

public void testNullsInJava() {
    Function<Address, String> composeAddress = (address) -> address.street().concat(;
    Address address = null;
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> address.street());
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(null));
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address(null, null)));
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", null)));
    assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address(null, "city")));
    assertDoesNotThrow(() -> composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", "city")));
    assertEquals("streetcity", composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", "city")));

Lack of Semantic Clarity

Another significant issue with `null` is its lack of semantic clarity. Why is the value absent? Is it uninitialized? Does it represent a failure or an intentional omission? Without additional context, null is ambiguous and prone to misuse.

Consider the following code example

public String getUserEmail(User user) {
    if (user != null && user.getEmail() != null) {
        return user.getEmail();
    return null; // What does this null result mean? Is the user invalid? Or is there no email?

The Functional Programming Approach

Functional Programming emphasizes explicitness and immutability. Instead of relying on ambiguous `null` values, functional paradigms favor constructs that clearly express intent.

As functional programming gained traction, languages like Scala introduced the concept of `Option` or `Maybe` types to explicitly model the presence or absence of a value. Inspired by these, Java introduced `Optional` in Java 8 to provide a more expressive, safer, and less error-prone way to handle potentially absent values.

`Optional` in Java

`Optional` is a container object used to represent the presence or absence of a value. Rather than returning `null` for missing values, you can return an `Optional` instance to indicate explicitly whether a value is present.

  • Explicitly represents absence of a value: Avoids surprises from `null` values.
  • Fluent API: facilitates functional programming in Java.
  • Improved readability: Clearly communicates when a value might be absent.

How to Create an `Optional`

Using `of`, `ofNullable` and `empty`

// Creates an `Optional` for a non-null value.
Optional<String> nonNullValue = Optional.of("Hello, Optional!");
// Creates an `Optional` that allows `null` values.
Optional<String> nullableValue = Optional.ofNullable(null);
// Represents an empty `Optional`.
Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();        

How to Provide Default Values

Use `orElse` to supply a default value when the `Optional` is empty.

assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElse("Default Name"));
assertEquals("Default Name", emptyOptional.orElse("Default Name"));        

How to Provide Values from Alternative Supplier

Use `or` when you have an alternative source for an `Optional` value.

Function<Integer, Optional<String>> findInDefaultDataSource = (id) ->
        id == 1 ? Optional.of("Default Value") : Optional.empty();
Supplier<Optional<String>> findInAlternativeDataSource = () -> Optional.of("Alternative Value");

assertEquals("Default Value", findInDefaultDataSource.apply(1).or(findInAlternativeDataSource).get());
assertEquals("Alternative Value", findInDefaultDataSource.apply(2).or(findInAlternativeDataSource).get());        

How to Trigger an Error when Empty

Use `orElseThrow` when the absence of a value should be treated as an error.

assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElseThrow());
assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, emptyOptional::orElseThrow);
                () -> emptyOptional.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Custom exception")));        

How to Do Lazy Evaluation

Use `orElseGet` when computing a fallback value involves a costly operation or side effects.

public void testLazyEvaluation() {
    Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
    Optional<String> nonEmptyOptional = Optional.of("Value Exists");

    // orElseGet: Use when computing a fallback value involves a costly operation or side effects.
    assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElseGet(() -> "Fallback Value"));
    // Demonstrating lazy evaluation
    AtomicBoolean supplierCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    String result = emptyOptional.orElseGet(() -> {
        return "Computed Value";
    assertEquals("Computed Value", result);

How to Avoid NullPointerException

Instead of returning `null` and relying on the caller to handle it, return an `Optional`.

public void testAvoidNullPointerException() {
    Function<Integer, Optional<String>> findUserById = (id) -> {
        if (id == 1) {
            return Optional.of("John Doe");
        return Optional.empty();


    assertEquals("John Doe", findUserById.apply(1).orElse("User not found"));
    assertEquals("User not found", findUserById.apply(2).orElse("User not found"));

            name -> System.out.println("User found: " + name)
            name -> System.out.println("User found: " + name),
            () -> System.out.println("User not found")

How to Transform Data Types

Use `map` to apply a function if a value is present, without needing null checks, to transform the data type.

public void testTransformDataTypes() {
    Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
    Optional<String> nonEmptyOptional = Optional.of("Value Exists");


How to Transform Values

Use `map` to apply a function if a value is present, without needing null checks, to transform the data type.

Use `flatmap` when the transformation itself returns an `Optional`: it avoids nested `Optional<Optional<U>>` by "flattening" the result into a single `Optional`.

public void testTransformValues() {
    Optional<String> city = Optional.of("New York");
    Optional<String> uppercaseCity = city
            .flatMap(c -> Optional.of(c.toUpperCase()));
    assertEquals("NEW YORK", uppercaseCity.orElse("Unknown"));

How to Filter Values

Filter an `Optional` based on a condition.

```java @Test public void testFilterConditions() {     Predicate<String> isNewCity = name -> name.startsWith("New");      assertEquals("New York", Optional.of("New York")             .filter(isNewCity)             .orElse("new city not found"));     assertEquals("new city not found", Optional.of("London")             .filter(isNewCity)             .orElse("new city not found")); } ```        

When to Use `Optional`

Good Use Cases

  • Method Return Types: Indicate absence of a value.
  • Stream Pipelines: Simplify handling of optional values.

Avoid Misuse

  • Do not use `Optional` for fields in objects.
  • Do not serialize `Optional`.
  • Avoid overuse; for simple scenarios, `null` may suffice.
  • `Optional` introduces an additional object, which can affect performance in tight loops or memory-sensitive applications. For such cases, using null with disciplined checks may be more efficient.
  • Passing `Optional` as a parameter can lead to misuse and confusion. Instead, provide overloaded methods or clearly documented APIs.

Further Reading

1. Functional Programming in Java

2. Lambda Expressions in Java

3. Functional Interfaces in Java


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