Mastering `Optional` in Java: Eliminate Nulls Enhancing Code Readability
Jerónimo Calvo Sánchez
Software Engineer | Team Lead | Scrum Master | Project Manager
Disclaimer: For the best experience, read this article in its original MD format, that includes embedded code snippets and references to code examples.
Nulls in Java
`null` in Java is a special value that represents the absence of a reference to any object in memory at runtime.
This brings two main problems when coding in Java
Any object and variable can potentially hold a `null` value at runtime. When accessing an object that has a `null` value, a runtime exception (`NullPointerException`) will be thrown interrupting the normal flow of the program. This might lead to unpredictable behaviour during runtime.
For example, the following code is not null-safe
Therefore the code is unpredictable at runtime:
To make your code null-safe you need to explicitly check for `null` before accessing any object, which also increases the complexity and makes your code much more verbose
if (object != null) {
To illustrate this problem with some real code:
public record Address(String street, String city) {}
Function<Address, String> composeAddress = (address) -> address.street().concat(;
Will have the following behaviour at runtime
public void testNullsInJava() {
Function<Address, String> composeAddress = (address) -> address.street().concat(;
Address address = null;
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> address.street());
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(null));
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address(null, null)));
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", null)));
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> composeAddress.apply(new Address(null, "city")));
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", "city")));
assertEquals("streetcity", composeAddress.apply(new Address("street", "city")));
Lack of Semantic Clarity
Another significant issue with `null` is its lack of semantic clarity. Why is the value absent? Is it uninitialized? Does it represent a failure or an intentional omission? Without additional context, null is ambiguous and prone to misuse.
Consider the following code example
public String getUserEmail(User user) {
if (user != null && user.getEmail() != null) {
return user.getEmail();
return null; // What does this null result mean? Is the user invalid? Or is there no email?
The Functional Programming Approach
Functional Programming emphasizes explicitness and immutability. Instead of relying on ambiguous `null` values, functional paradigms favor constructs that clearly express intent.
As functional programming gained traction, languages like Scala introduced the concept of `Option` or `Maybe` types to explicitly model the presence or absence of a value. Inspired by these, Java introduced `Optional` in Java 8 to provide a more expressive, safer, and less error-prone way to handle potentially absent values.
`Optional` in Java
`Optional` is a container object used to represent the presence or absence of a value. Rather than returning `null` for missing values, you can return an `Optional` instance to indicate explicitly whether a value is present.
How to Create an `Optional`
Using `of`, `ofNullable` and `empty`
// Creates an `Optional` for a non-null value.
Optional<String> nonNullValue = Optional.of("Hello, Optional!");
// Creates an `Optional` that allows `null` values.
Optional<String> nullableValue = Optional.ofNullable(null);
// Represents an empty `Optional`.
Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
How to Provide Default Values
Use `orElse` to supply a default value when the `Optional` is empty.
assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElse("Default Name"));
assertEquals("Default Name", emptyOptional.orElse("Default Name"));
How to Provide Values from Alternative Supplier
Use `or` when you have an alternative source for an `Optional` value.
Function<Integer, Optional<String>> findInDefaultDataSource = (id) ->
id == 1 ? Optional.of("Default Value") : Optional.empty();
Supplier<Optional<String>> findInAlternativeDataSource = () -> Optional.of("Alternative Value");
assertEquals("Default Value", findInDefaultDataSource.apply(1).or(findInAlternativeDataSource).get());
assertEquals("Alternative Value", findInDefaultDataSource.apply(2).or(findInAlternativeDataSource).get());
How to Trigger an Error when Empty
Use `orElseThrow` when the absence of a value should be treated as an error.
assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElseThrow());
assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, emptyOptional::orElseThrow);
() -> emptyOptional.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Custom exception")));
How to Do Lazy Evaluation
Use `orElseGet` when computing a fallback value involves a costly operation or side effects.
public void testLazyEvaluation() {
Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> nonEmptyOptional = Optional.of("Value Exists");
// orElseGet: Use when computing a fallback value involves a costly operation or side effects.
assertEquals("Value Exists", nonEmptyOptional.orElseGet(() -> "Fallback Value"));
// Demonstrating lazy evaluation
AtomicBoolean supplierCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
String result = emptyOptional.orElseGet(() -> {
return "Computed Value";
assertEquals("Computed Value", result);
How to Avoid NullPointerException
Instead of returning `null` and relying on the caller to handle it, return an `Optional`.
public void testAvoidNullPointerException() {
Function<Integer, Optional<String>> findUserById = (id) -> {
if (id == 1) {
return Optional.of("John Doe");
return Optional.empty();
assertEquals("John Doe", findUserById.apply(1).orElse("User not found"));
assertEquals("User not found", findUserById.apply(2).orElse("User not found"));
name -> System.out.println("User found: " + name)
name -> System.out.println("User found: " + name),
() -> System.out.println("User not found")
How to Transform Data Types
Use `map` to apply a function if a value is present, without needing null checks, to transform the data type.
public void testTransformDataTypes() {
Optional<String> emptyOptional = Optional.empty();
Optional<String> nonEmptyOptional = Optional.of("Value Exists");
How to Transform Values
Use `map` to apply a function if a value is present, without needing null checks, to transform the data type.
Use `flatmap` when the transformation itself returns an `Optional`: it avoids nested `Optional<Optional<U>>` by "flattening" the result into a single `Optional`.
public void testTransformValues() {
Optional<String> city = Optional.of("New York");
Optional<String> uppercaseCity = city
.flatMap(c -> Optional.of(c.toUpperCase()));
assertEquals("NEW YORK", uppercaseCity.orElse("Unknown"));
How to Filter Values
Filter an `Optional` based on a condition.
```java @Test public void testFilterConditions() { Predicate<String> isNewCity = name -> name.startsWith("New"); assertEquals("New York", Optional.of("New York") .filter(isNewCity) .orElse("new city not found")); assertEquals("new city not found", Optional.of("London") .filter(isNewCity) .orElse("new city not found")); } ```
When to Use `Optional`
Good Use Cases
Avoid Misuse