Mastering mess: A relational approach to support

Mastering mess: A relational approach to support

Each week a different team member takes over the newsletter, this week we hand over to Max Goodall to share his interesting reads...

I've been thinking a lot about targets and data recently, specifically the places where a focus on targets and reporting OVER the work itself (and the people involved!) can be detrimental. As the agile manifesto says "individuals and interactions over processes and tools". Starting to think in this way is also an important part of developing a relational approach to support. How can you develop relationships with residents if you're just focused on hitting your monthly target for cases closed?

Here's 9 interesting challenges to why targets can be very much unhelpful - I love how blunt and realistic this article is!

Toby Lowe based at the Centre for Public Impact has done loads of great work on this - in this video he summarises the ideas he's developed "Human. Learning. Systems."

These ideas are being adopted and adapted across the sector more and more. Here's some reflections from Emyr Williams , Senior Evaluation Lead at Social Care Wales, on what Human. Learning. Systems might mean for social care!

Social Care Wales - Inspiring approaches to supporting relationship-centred care

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11th - 12th February 2025: 9.30am - 4.30pm

Public services provide support for some of the most vulnerable people in society. The problems they try to address are complex. The needs of people who use them are constantly changing. Keeping the needs of citizens at the heart of the design of services is a real challenge. A design- led approach can help respond to this challenge.

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