Mastering Media Firestorms: How to Win an Ambush Interview
Kerri Schneider
Media Trainer & Speaker Coach | Trusted by Fortune 100 Executives | CEO at reel media pr
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When I worked as a TV news reporter and someone ignored my attempts to contact them for an interview, I would occasionally stakeout their office or home.
When they showed up, my photographer and I would approach them with the camera rolling and ask questions. Not very nice I know, but we would only do this when the person was accused of doing something wrong and they weren’t responding to our requests for an interview.?
It’s called an “ambush interview†- where a journalist catches someone off guard with tough questions. They typically result in memorable video clips for the news, and usually make the person interviewed look bad.
Why it Matters
In today’s world of so-called citizen journalism and smartphone cameras, knowing how to successfully navigate an ambush interview is crucial.
While I can’t promise to make the experience pleasant, I can share an effective way to handle them with confidence and poise.
Before I tell you how to win an ambush interview, watch a few examples of interviews I’ve collected. While some are funny and others may make you squirm, they show what not to do if you’re unexpectedly approached with a barrage of questions.
Hopefully, you’ll never get caught in one of those situations. But if you do, here's a recap of what NOT to do if you're ambushed.
7 Ambush Interview Don’ts
?? Don’t say “No commentâ€.
?? Don’t block the lens, even though it will be very tempting.
?? Don’t run away.
?? Don’t stay silent.
?? Don’t start answering questions.
?? Don’t hit or get violent. This one seems obvious!
?? Don’t ignore media requests.
7-Step Strategy to Win an Ambush Interview
If you’re not prepared to answer questions on the spot, use my proven strategy to come across as calm, confident and credible. It will help you take control of the situation and avoid looking or sounding uncomfortable.
1. Stay Calm: Maintain a composed demeanor.
2. Demonstrate Cooperation: Say you want to help get their questions answered.
3. Ask Questions: Politely ask the reporter's name, organization, and deadline. Also inquire what questions they have, but don’t answer them. Simply nod in understanding, or jot down notes.
4. State your Position: Assert you cannot respond immediately and provide a reason, such as "Our policy requires all interview requests to go through our public relations department" or "I'm rushing to a prior commitment but will contact you before your deadline". If you don't have a policy of all interviews going through your PR department, I suggest you implement one immediately.
5. Commit to Follow-Up: Promise to respond before their deadline. If you decide to decline the interview, it’s best explain why such as: “The issue is being investigated and you can’t comment until it’s finished,†or “The correct spokesperson is not available by your deadline.â€
6. Repeat as Necessary:?If the reporter persists, simply repeat yourself and prepare to escape.
7. Exit Gracefully:?Conclude politely, assuring the reporter someone will reach out, and leave calmly without appearing intimidated. Whatever you do, avoid looking like you’re running away scared. You might even smile and wave as you walk away. ??
The goal is to manage the situation confidently and avoid saying you refuse to comment while you’re on camera, as you may seem like you're hiding something.
Bottom Line
You win an ambush interview by denying the reporter a sensational visual (like your hand over the lens) or saying something you’ll regret.
In today’s fast-paced media landscape, an unexpected interview can happen at any moment. Don’t get caught off guard! Use this 7-step strategy to escape an ambush interview with your pride and reputation intact.
Good luck!??
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I work with companies and organizations committed to helping spokespeople excel at media interviews and public speaking.
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Kerri Kazarba Schneider is the trusted media trainer and speaker coach for Fortune 100 executives, nonprofit leaders and other spokespeople who want to excel at media interviews and public speaking.
She’s the CEO and founder of reel media pr, a consulting firm in Seattle providing expert media and speaker training to clients worldwide, through corporate workshops and one-on-one coaching, so they can tell their stories on-air, online and in person.?
Kerri launched reel media pr in 2012, after a 20-year career as a broadcast journalist, interviewing more than 10,000 people. She’s passionate about coaching clients with proven strategies, so they can feel confident and excel at high-stakes, on-camera interviews and speaking engagements.