Mastering the Little Details of Experience
Brandon R Allen
25 years working with leaders to help them organize their work life and transform their relationships by helping them see what they can’t see and do what they didn’t think possible.
In business, what separates your business from other businesses is the way that you handle the little things. The mint on your pillow or the empathetic words of a company representative.
Since it's December, planning has been on my mind a lot. The little details can get missed when there isn't a plan to address them.
For some reason, this thought came up from me at a coffee shop I was working at this morning. One thing that I noticed about the coffee shop this morning, and it's something I notice at a lot of fast casual food places, is that the tables are often messy.
You could say that maybe people are busy but I notice that this is the case even when it's dead and I am the only one there.
To me, this says "you aren't welcome". I know that's not what they are intending to say but that's what it conveys. It's a little detail but speaks loudly in the customer experience.
My guess as to why this seems to be the case is that there is no plan to make it happen. There's no intention for how this experience is designed to unfold and, if there is intention, then there's no accountability.
Either way, it's a little detail that's easy to miss but also easy not to miss. These are the things that set us apart from everyone else. What little detail are you missing?.
PS. If you are looking to get support with your path, I am doing 3 free Breakthrough Blueprint sessions between now and the end of the year. I already have a couple of them booked from the masterclass I did last week but I still have a spot open. If you want it, you can book your first session here.