Mastering the Heart Wisdom Method of Animal Communication
What are the steps to learning – and mastering – animal communication using the Heart Wisdom Method?
When you’re learning a new “thing”, you want to know the series of steps you need to take to learn it.
Then, you want to put in the practice time so you get good at the steps.
You might setup a rigid rule for yourself along the lines of “I will practice these steps everyday without fail” thinking you’ll get really good at it if you just keep taking those steps.
And yes you may get good at doing the steps.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll master doing the new skills “thing”, especially if it’s an intuitive art you’re wanting to excel at.
In the case of mastering (defined as becoming proficient and unconciously competent) the Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication, we’re talking about developing your left brain/right brain skillset: logical analytical steps versus more intuitive creative flows.
Which means you may or may not get the results you wanted to be able to achieve if you’re just learning the “steps”.
And of course, your big “Why” in wanting to master and get really good at something is why you wanted to learn the new “thing” in the first place!
But then when it doesn’t work so well, and you’re getting inconsistent or inaccurate results, it’s annoying to say the least. That messes with your mojo and confidence.
Then you wonder, “How did I go wrong? What have I missed? I’m doing the STEPS!! Why isn’t this working?”
It seems counterproductive and frustrating, doesn’t it?
Even worse, less savvy impatient students can jump to the conclusion that either they themselves are flawed and won’t ever be able to do it, or, that the method or steps are flawed.
So, here’s the thing:
When it comes to teaching the Heart Wisdom Method of communicating with animals, I’m not very good with following absolute rules, rigidity, and sequential steps like that.
I started developing the Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication in 1993.
I’ve learned a lot along the way about how to get extraordinary results from my work.
Figuring out how to teach YOU how to do what I do, to learn what I know, requires condensing my Method into actionable steps for students to learn is a big project requiring mastery of many abilities, advanced education on a wide variety of areas of influence, and includes expertly guided practice.
The problem is, steps are “systematic“, perfect for rocket science or building widgets or baking a cake.
To be clear, I DO teach them, along with techniques and tips, because we all need to start somewhere.
But you need more, which takes you way beyond learning basics.
What I teach are “adaptive intuitive frameworks” to the Heart Wisdom Method instead.
Because mastery in my Method is more about adaptive learning and guided practice so you acquire advanced knowledge and greater experience to add to your essential training intuitive communication and healing toolkit.
These are not “simple” easy steps, per se.
These are advanced skills leading to great expertise in solving problems with animals and? healing.
It’s about alignment, flow, harmony with energy, the elements, and understanding the life force within and all around us.
It’s about being consciously aware and inviting guidance from both your intuition and the animal’s so they can take you where you need to go for the best results.
Mastery is about discovery, learning what you don’t know yet in the moment, knowing how to recover when you make a mistake or miss something so you can quickly get back on track.
Mastery is about never feeling stuck, blocked or limited in your communication abilities.
That’s how you improve your abilities and skills, and how you master the Heart Wisdom Method.
Ultimately, it’s not so much about the steps as it is about your mindset, how you approach and guide a successful conversation with an animal to get the best results.
Communicating with animals isn’t an interrogation, it’s a conversation.
Smart students get expert coaching and guidance to improve your abilities and show you where you stumbled in the steps, so you can become a better, more competent and proficient communicator and healer using the Heart Wisdom Methods.
There is ALWAYS subtlety in intuitive feeling arts, like communication and healing.
That’s why just learning a simple set of “steps” is for beginners, but not for people who want to excel in using your intuitive abilties at a mastery level.
The Heart Wisdom Method is a framework, an intuitive strategy, a mindset and an advanced process that prepares you for anything animals (or life) throws at you.
It’s about inner healing to become the best you can be so you don’t misinterpret animal messages through the filter of your own wounds or projections.
It goes so much deeper than just imagining a conversation, which is commonly taught.
Animal communication (and healing) the way I teach it using the Heart Wisdom Methods is about living your best life.
It’s a spiritual journey, not a steps based program.
When you get really good at the steps AND my Method, you enter a state of ‘unconscious competence ‘ so doing this work at this advanced level is as normal to you as breathing.
Start with your inner healing
You can learn all the techniques, steps and tips for telepathic/psychic communication with animals that you want, but if you don’t do your inner healing, if your thoughts, focus, and feelings aren’t right, if you’ve blocked yourself, are stuck in your head, can’t access your heart energy, or you’ve shut down your intuitive gifts, then none of that will help you.
One student shared: “After investing for years in learning techniques, steps, and tips for telepathic communication, I wish I had started with inner healing work, because all the techniques and tips in the world is not gonna help me if my thoughts and feelings aren’t right.“
That’s why so much of the Heart Wisdom Method focuses not just on the steps, but also on exploring the role and relationship of emotions, personal healing, and energy to animal communication.
These are the complex issues that my clients and students work on in our live classes, and what I help them with in one on one private sessions and in live group coaching calls.
The Heart Wisdom Methods of animal communication is a sequence of different trainings, and the further you go, the more competent you will be in my method.
If you’re feeling stuck or blocked or limited, there’s no need to stay stuck or blocked or limited.
Mastering the Heart Wisdom Method of animal communication is for serious students and professionals who want to improve your skills.
Choose from these options:
First, if you’ve got questions about animal communication, upleveling your intuitive abilities, want to experience how it feels to communicate, or have questions for your pet, then you’ll be glad to know that these can all be addressed in our Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club? monthly Live Q&A Coaching Calls.
They’re offered the second Saturday of each month.
More information about the Club and levels of membership are below (scroll down).
Join us! Details are on this page
Second, if you’d love my one-on-one help improving your communication and healing abilities, then the Student Mentoring, Healing & Intuition Development Sessions might be perfect for you.
Or, if you are struggling with deep seated blocks and wounds, then the private one-on-one Deep Block Breakthrough Package might be a great fit for you.
It’s time to Level UP.
You’ll see the details on this page.
Third, the Heart School of Animal Communication? includes online classes and courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, as well as professional practitioners.
Click and grab any of my charming and delightful ebooks, self study courses, memberships, classes and programs for beginners to intermediate to advanced and professional communicator business building courses and memberships, and private student coaching/mentoring.
The Heart Wisdom Method of communication program roadmap is spelled out for you HERE
Fourth, For Beginner to Intermediate level students who want to do this work as your career:
The best program for you is my 6 Months to Mastery (aka FastTrack Program) where we work together with the goal of you becoming proficient by the end. In addition to 1-on-1 private coaching with me, you also get self-study material and group coaching, practice, and training opportunities.
You can also invest in the individual courses, private coaching sessions, and online membership separately if you don’t want to do the whole 6-month program right now.
Start by going HERE
You can begin your training right away with immediate access.
Beginners: Start by downloading my FREE Ebook Hidden Secrets to Communicating with Animals – just click on any of the pictures below:
What is the Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ? ?
The Animal Talk Coaching & Mastery Club ? provides a live school environment accessible through an online portal.
This paid membership offers access to courses, supportive big hearted community, practice opportunities, ongoing expert guidance, and advanced training in the Heart Wisdom Methods.
It’s designed to guide you in growing your intuitive skills and improving your communication and healing abilities with animals.
That’s why this club emphasizes practice, training in the Heart Wisdom Methods, and community support.
The club encourages you to communicate with other people’s animals to receive proper feedback from those who know the animals best, and currently has well over 300 animals for you to practice with.
That’s important because proper feedback is the only way to become confident and accurate, and avoid making mistakes .
Additionally, you’ll benefit from the guided meditations and intuition development lessons I created especially for animal communicators to teach you how to evolve ALL your intuitive abilities which are invaluable for your growth.
Remember, as a member you’re part of a community that believes in your ability to communicate with animals.
There are no long term commitments, so feel free to explore and learn!
Choose from 2 levels of Club Membership:
Gold Membership is for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students:
- Gold membership is the right choice for answers to your questions, coaching, opportunities to earn free private Student Breakthrough Laser Sessions with Val (reg $125), Live Q&A Calls each month and Featured Animal Teacher opportunities.
- You want a safe place to PRACTICE communicating with a wide variety of other people’s animals so you get proper feedback to grow your skills, accuracy, and confidence. AND, your fellow students will get to practice with your pets too.
- Enjoy being a member in a loving community with new monthly trainings, intuition development lessons and more! Just $10 for 4 weeks trial membership, then only $47/month with no long term commitments.
Start right away with immediate access! All the details are on this page: HERE!!
Platinum Membership is for Advanced and Professional Communicators:
- Platinum membership is the best choice if this is your career path. If you are serious about being competent and proficient with your communication and healing abilities, want to be (or already are) a practitioner who values continuous community, support, expert mentoring, and advanced training.
- You’ll get immediate access to the entire Heart Wisdom Masterclass Treasure Vault Recordings. AND, can attend the monthly live classes too.
- You get everything Gold members get. Just $97/month, no long term commitments.
This is the page with all the details on Membership >> HERE!!