Mastering Go: Implementing an Autocomplete Function for LinkedIn Searches
Problem description:
Trie: Your Efficient String Assistant
Named for its purpose, the trie (pronounced "try") is a tree-like data structure rooted in efficient string retrieval.?Imagine a tree where each branch represents a letter, guiding you towards words like signposts in a forest. Here's how it works:
Here are some key benefits of using tries:
1. Building the Trie: Construct a trie where each node represents a character. Each path from the root to a leaf node represents a different name, title, or skill.
// Node represents a node in the trie
type Node[T any] struct {
Children map[rune]*Node[T]
IsEnd bool
Value T
// Trie represents the trie and has a root Trie Node
type Trie[T any] struct {
Root *Node[T]
2. Inserting Data: Populate the trie with relevant data from LinkedIn's database - user names, company names, job titles, skills, etc.
// Insert adds a word to the trie
func (t *Trie[T]) Insert(word string, value T) {
node := t.Root
for _, ch := range word {
if node.Children[ch] == nil {
node.Children[ch] = NewTrieNode[T]()
node = node.Children[ch]
node.IsEnd = true
node.Value = value
3. Autocomplete Querying:As a user types a query, traverse the trie following the path of characters entered. Suggest completions by listing the end nodes reachable from the current node.
func Autocomplete[T any](trie *Trie[T], prefix string) []string {
// ... (initialization)
// Traverse the trie to the end of the prefix
for _, ch := range prefix {
if node.Children[ch] == nil {
return results
node = node.Children[ch]
// Use a stack for iterative DFS
stack := []NodeAndWord[T]{{node, prefix}}
for len(stack) > 0 {
// ... (pop from stack, process node, push children)
return results // Return matching suggestions
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