Mastering Git: How Git Works for Developers
1. Key Concepts of Git
Before we dive into the workflow, here are some essential Git components:
2. Git Workflow
Here’s how Git commands move your code through the system:
Step 1: Add changes to the Stage
Once you make changes to your files in the workspace, you add them to the staging area.
Step 2: Commit the changes locally
Once the changes are staged, you save them as a commit in your local repository.
Step 3: Push to the Remote Repository
Share your local changes with your team by pushing them to a remote repository like GitHub.
3. Syncing Changes: Pull, Fetch, and Merge
4. Resetting Changes
Made a mistake? Don't worry—Git lets you reset changes with:
You can "unstage" changes, go back to previous commits, or rewrite commit history.
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