One project, one unexpected #analytics audit, and countless lost hours searching for a decent checklist. That's the spark that ignited this resource. Fueled by my (admittedly painful) experience, I've meticulously compiled this #checklist to empower fellow analysts with a head start. Time to reclaim your audit !!
- Google Tag Manager (#GTM): Is it installed and operational?
- Google Analytics (#GA): Is it live and collecting data?
- GTM Containers: Is only one container firing events?
- GA Code Snippet: Is only one injecting #tracking scripts?
- Page View: Is it firing on every page load?
- Event Tracking (CTAs): Is it enabled for all call-to-actions?
- Event Naming: Do the names follow the business website structure?
- #DataLayer: Is it enabled for all CTAs, page loads, and downloads?
- Is #Ecommerce funnel enabled?
- Is checkout #funnel enabled?
- Is it enabled and configured accurately?
- Are goals enabled?
- GTM Code Placement: Is it before the closing </head> tag?
- Subdomains: Does the website manage them?
- If so, are the correct GTM IDs used?
- Is content grouping enabled?
- Is #channel grouping configured properly?
- Is referral exclusion enabled?
- Are Google products mapped?
- Is internal search configured?
- Is #dataretention set to the maximum duration?
- Is real-time traffic displaying data?Are custom #dimensions and metrics showing data?
- Google Consent Mode: Is it enabled for "only allowed anonymous"?
- #GoogleSignals: Is it enabled?Reporting Identity: Blended or Observed?
- Business Requirement Document (BRD): Is it in place?
- Solution Reference Document (SRD): Is it in place?
- Cookie Expiry Window: What is the current setting?
- Data #Streams: Are the proper number enabled?
- Custom Funnel: Is it enabled on the website?
- Reporting Filters: Are any affecting your reporting?
- Personal Identifiable Information (PII): Please verify you're not collecting it.
- #Attribution Settings: Please check the settings and look-back window.
I hope this helps! Please DM your inputs