?? Mastering the Foundations of React ??

?? Mastering the Foundations of React ??

Hey LinkedIn fam! ?? Let's dive into some essential concepts that lay the groundwork for a solid understanding of React. ??

?? DOM (Document Object Model) ??

It is the representation of HTML elements/nodes in tree format in the browser ??

?? Virtual DOM ??

  • It is the representation of actual DOM in memory.
  • It is nothing but a Javascript object.
  • It acts as middle layer between react components and actual DOM.

?? React components ? Virtual DOM ? Actual DOM

  • Virtual DOM is a old concept but React uses it effectively to make reconciliation process more powerful.

?? Reconciliation ? Diffing Algorithm ? React Fiber ??

?? These are the core of React ??

  • Reconciliation is a process which uses "diffing algorithm" to compare two virtual DOMs (initial and updated) to find the difference between the HTML elements/nodes and updates the actual DOM using "only the updated nodes".
  • Behind the scene it actually compares two Javascript objects {??} - {??}
  • React Fiber : It is the new reconciliation algorithm in React, it was released in React 16.

?? Key Property ??

Always provide a "unique value" to key whenever looping on any "list items". We usually use "map" method to loop over list items.

  • Providing keys to list items will make reconciliation process more efficient to render the HTML elements/nodes on to DOM.
  • Reconciliation process will come to know easily what was there (old virtual dom) and what has changed (new virtual dom) between the two renders and update the DOM elements quickly.
  • Try to get the unique values from the back-end data and avoid giving array index as key (suggested by React team).
  • Index will create issues if the sort operation performed on data (Index will be altered) and data will not displayed on the UI as expected.
  • Keep this (index) as last option if there are no unique values available.

Let's remember: Array Index < Unique ID (best practice) ??

Keep rocking those React projects, and may your Virtual DOM always stay in sync! ???? #ReactMastery #CodingMagic #WebDev


