Mastering Flutter Development: Week 4 - Navigation and Routing

Mastering Flutter Development: Week 4 - Navigation and Routing

Welcome to the fourth week of our "Mastering Flutter Development" course. This week, we dive into a crucial aspect of app development - navigation and routing. We will explore how to navigate between screens, set up named routes, and handle route parameters. Additionally, we'll delve into deep linking in Flutter, a feature that allows your app to respond to URLs and perform actions accordingly.

Navigating Between Screens

In a mobile application, users often need to move between different screens or views. Flutter provides a straightforward and efficient way to achieve this using widgets like Navigator and MaterialPageRoute.

Example: Navigating to a New Screen

Here's a basic example of navigating from one screen to another using the Navigator widget:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {



class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????return MaterialApp(

??????home: FirstScreen(),




class FirstScreen extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????return Scaffold(

??????appBar: AppBar(title: Text('First Screen')),

??????body: Center(

????????child: ElevatedButton(

??????????onPressed: () {

????????????// Navigate to the second screen

????????????Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondScreen()));


??????????child: Text('Go to Second Screen'),






class SecondScreen extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????return Scaffold(

??????appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Second Screen')),

??????body: Center(

????????child: ElevatedButton(

??????????onPressed: () {

????????????// Navigate back to the first screen



??????????child: Text('Back to First Screen'),






In this example, we have two screens: FirstScreen and SecondScreen. When the user taps the button on the first screen, they are navigated to the second screen. A button on the second screen takes them back to the first screen.

Named Routes and Route Parameters

While navigating between screens, you can use named routes and pass route parameters to make your code cleaner and more maintainable.

Example: Using Named Routes and Route Parameters

Here's an example of using named routes and passing parameters between screens:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {



class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????return MaterialApp(

??????initialRoute: '/',

??????routes: {

????????'/': (context) => HomeScreen(),

????????'/details': (context) => DetailsScreen(),





class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????return Scaffold(

??????appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Home Screen')),

??????body: Center(

????????child: ElevatedButton(

??????????onPressed: () {

????????????// Navigate to the Details screen with a parameter

????????????Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/details', arguments: 'Hello from Home!');


??????????child: Text('Go to Details Screen'),






class DetailsScreen extends StatelessWidget {


??Widget build(BuildContext context) {

????// Extract the parameter

????final message = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments as String;

????return Scaffold(

??????appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Details Screen')),

??????body: Center(

????????child: Text(message),





In this example, we define named routes in the routes property of MaterialApp. The HomeScreen uses a named route to navigate to the DetailsScreen. We also pass a parameter, which is displayed on the second screen.

Deep Linking in Flutter (Optional)

Deep linking allows your app to respond to URLs or links, making it accessible from outside the app itself. Flutter provides the firebase_dynamic_links package for deep linking.

Example: Handling Deep Links

Incorporating deep linking is a more advanced topic. Below is a simplified example:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:firebase_dynamic_links/firebase_dynamic_links.dart';

void main() async {


??await initDynamicLinks();


Future<void> initDynamicLinks() async {

??final dynamicLink = await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink();


??FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.onLink(onSuccess: (dynamicLink) {


??}, onError: (e) {

????print('Error: $e');



void handleDynamicLink(PendingDynamicLinkData? data) {

??final deepLink = data?.link;

??if (deepLink != null) {

????// Handle the deep link (e.g., navigate to a specific screen)

????print('Deep link: $deepLink');



In this simplified example, we set up the handling of deep links using the firebase_dynamic_links package. When a deep link is clicked, your app can respond to it by navigating to a specific screen or performing a custom action.

Mastering navigation and routing, including named routes and deep linking, is essential for building sophisticated and user-friendly Flutter applications. In the upcoming weeks, we'll continue to explore more advanced topics, including state management, networking, and real-time apps. Stay tuned for Week 5, where we'll focus on "State Management in Flutter."


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