Mastering the Fast and Slow Pointer Approach in?Swift
The fast and slow pointer technique, also known as the hare and tortoise algorithm, is a popular strategy for solving problems related to linked lists and arrays. This method uses two pointers moving at different speeds to detect cycles, find the middle element, and solve various other problems efficiently. In this article, we’ll dive into the fast and slow pointer approach in Swift, with examples to illustrate its application.
Understanding the Fast and Slow Pointer Technique
The concept is simple:
By utilizing this technique, we can solve problems that involve detecting cycles in linked lists, finding the middle of a list, and more, with optimal time complexity.
Detecting a Cycle in a Linked List
One of the most common applications of the fast and slow pointer approach is detecting a cycle in a linked list. Here’s how you can do it in Swift:-
class ListNode {
var value: Int
var next: ListNode?
init(_ value: Int) {
self.value = value = nil
func hasCycle(_ head: ListNode?) -> Bool {
var slow = head
var fast = head
while fast != nil && fast?.next != nil {
slow = slow?.next
fast = fast?.next?.next
if slow === fast {
return true
return false
Finding the Middle of a Linked List
Another basic application is finding the middle element of a linked list. Here’s an example:
func findMiddle(_ head: ListNode?) -> ListNode? {
var slow = head
var fast = head
while fast != nil && fast?.next != nil {
slow = slow?.next
fast = fast?.next?.next
return slow
The fast and slow pointer approach is a powerful and efficient technique for solving various problems involving linked lists and arrays. By mastering this approach, you can improve your problem-solving skills and handle interview questions with confidence. We’ve covered the basics and provided examples in Swift to help you understand and apply this technique effectively. Happy coding!
Additional Exercises
By practicing these exercises, you'll further solidify your understanding of the fast and slow pointer approach and be better prepared for coding interviews.