Mastering the Design of the CNF CLI Authentication

Mastering the Design of the CNF CLI Authentication

MNOs Transitioning to Cloud-Native Excellence

Telecom operators consider investing in cloud-native network function products for several reasons such as scalability, better resource utilization, cost efficiency, etc. In this issue of Telecom Tomorrow, we are going to reveal Defne's Cloud Native Calling Line Identification authentication solution that can process massive amounts of calls per second within a production environment.

The main purpose of Calling Line Identification (CLI) is to accomplish secure communication by preventing Fraud or Spam calls, as well as incoming calls from numbers that are not registered with a trusted operator. When a call starts to establish between the calling and called party, the Supervisory Authority (Regulatory Body) determines whether both are registered in the database of the home network operator or other operators, using the Counselee & Counselor control mechanism.

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"The CLI, which is developed using open-source tools, achieved the purpose of initiating a reliable call between subscribers registered to different operators. Undergoing rigorous load testing and live traffic scenarios, the CLI API consistently produces responses within the impressive 0. to 1 millisecond range, demonstrating unwavering adherence to call setup time KPIs. Notably, this same outstanding performance is measured within production systems. The response time has 0 and 1 ms average also with different network loads. It has been proven to respond quickly and accurately to HTTP requests processed by the CLI API. With Kubernetes orchestration, the system has become highly available and reliable."

Counselee and Counselor are a control mechanism located in the Supervisory Authority data center and they have the authority to continue or not the call setup. Each operator has an intelligent network (IN). When an operator receives a call, IN forwards it to the Counselee to check whether the called number exists in the operator database. If the number cannot be found in the operator's database, the Counselee requests the Supervisory Authority and the Supervisory Authority checks the databases of other operators with the help of the Counselor. If the Counselor responds the number is whitelisted, it returns a successful response and the Supervisory Authority accepts the call. If the Counselor responds the number is blacklisted, the Supervisory Authority rejects the call.

CLI Architecture

One of the most critical parts of the project is fast response. CLI application must give a response to requests coming from the counselee and counselor within maximum 5 milliseconds. Only Open Source tools have been used in CLI. The used technologies are Redis, Redis Sentinel, Docker, Containerd, Kubernetes, Apache Kafka and Zookeeper.

  • Redis Database which is called an In-Memory Database preferred due to fulfilling the required performance. Redis has a very high read/write speed as it keeps the data on memory.

  • Docker and Containerd technologies are used with Kubernetes to create containerized services. The containerized structure provides fast deployment and maintenance.

  • Kubernetes are used to easily control and orchestrate the containers. It has a key role in ensuring the system is highly available, reliable, scalable, monitorable, and easily manageable.

  • Redis Sentinel is created to prevent data loss when the Redis master node fails. Redis in cluster structure have data recovery capability and failover mechanisms.
  • Apache Kafka, an event streaming application, queues requests from Notification and Provisioning Services and forwards them to other geo-redundant sites, as all sites must have synchronized.

  • Zookeeper is used to help high availability of Kafka and the selection of Kafka leaders.

  • Home subscriber’s data is stored in a database which is located in the Outsourced Data Center. The Redis database in the CLI and the database in the Outsource Data Center must be synchronized continuously. When a change occurs on one of the database instances both must communicate with each other to update itself. SOAP protocol is used to transport notification packets and Ldap is used to establish a connection to the Outsource database from CLI.

Cloud-Native Network Function (CNF)

In CNFs, Physical Network Functions (PNF) and Virtual Network Functions (VNF) features are included in containers. Unlike VNF, VM software is no longer needed. Because containers can run without the need for a guest OS or hypervisor. In addition, long boot times in VMs with VNF structure are history due to lightweight container technology. CLI services are packaged as Docker Images and then deployed as containerized services or microservices. CLI includes container lifecycle management, agility, resilience, and observability which are cloud-based architectural and operational requirements of the CNF. Services can be managed using only Master Nodes. Being able to manage the whole system from a single source provides great convenience.

CLI Architecture

In the CLI structure, there are 3 core services: CLI API, CLI Provisioning and CLI Notification Handler. These services are working as containerized packages and independently from each other. Therefore CLI services can be called microservices.

1-) CLI-API Service: CLI API service is a connection between CLI and Counselee and Counselor in Supervisory Authority. Counselee and Counselor can communicate with Redis via CLI API. Counselee and Counselor sends GET requests to CLI API due to check IMSI or MSISDN of the calling number, whether these numbers are registered in Redis Database. If numbers are registered, CLI API sends a response including subscription data or if not registered then returns an unknown subscriber message.

2-) CLI-Provisioning Service: CLI provisioning service is used to execute CRUD operations of subscriber information.

3-) CLI-Notification-Handler: CLI Notification Handler Service is an information exchanging service between Outsource Database which stores information related to home subscribers, and CLI. The main functionality of the Notification Handler service is to synchronize data among the Outsource Database and CLI Redis Database. Notification Service obtains required info from SOAP triggers. However, some of the triggers cannot be read by the Notification handler service therefore service connects to the Outsource Database via LDAP and obtains the required information. Therefore, continuous network traffic flows on the Notification Handler Service. The current configuration uses LDAP, but if messages need to be encrypted LDAPs option is also available. The notification service has a health check mechanism. It periodically checks the Kafka and Redis Pods and the status of the LDAP connection. If there is a problem with any of them, SNMP traps are generated and sent to the Network Monitoring Center, and it triggers an alarm.

Containerized Systems & Kubernetes Orchestration

Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture

A monolithic structure is a traditional architecture and is a single, large system with a single codebase, bringing together all business-related. As such systems grow, they become harder to scale and components cannot be scaled individually. At the same time, a small change to the application affects the entire system and causes increased development and deployment time.

On the contrary, the microservice architecture is structurally a service-oriented architecture, and services are loosely coupled with each other. Loosely coupled means that changes in one of the services minimally affect the performance and operation of other services. Adding a new service or changing an existing service does not affect the whole system, as there is no significant dependency between the services. This gives flexibility to the system, so the Development Team can perform new developments in a shorter time, and thus the Devops Team can deploy new versions more easily and frequently.

The three fundamental services included in the CLI structure are called the CLI microservices. Any development or update on the Provisioning service takes place independently of the other services. A new service can be added in the future without disrupting the general structure of the system, and it does not affect the operation of existing services.

Kubernetes Components

Entire container lifecycle management is provided via Kubernetes orchestration. Each microservices runs as a container inside the smallest unit of Kubernetes, the Pod. Pods usually contain one Container but can contain multiple containers as needed. Each Pod has its virtual network and virtual IP addresses and can communicate with each other through the Kube-Proxy and Kubernetes ClusterIP service. Kubernetes needs a Container Network Interface to create and use a virtual network. Calico CNI is used in CLI to provide better performance and network isolation. Pods run on components known as Nodes. A node is a virtual machine. Kubernetes has a structure consisting of Master and Worker Nodes. Services are working on Worker Nodes, and management and monitoring operations are done using the Master Node. The collection of nodes, pods, and all other Kubernetes objects is called a cluster.

CLI Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes architecture of CLI includes 3 Master Nodes and 3 Worker Nodes in 4 geo-redundant sites. CLI services work with a total of 3 replicas in each Worker Node and different Pods. If one of the pods is down, the copy of the pod starts and runs with the same state because it is deployed with 3 replica sets. If a node fails for any reason, the system continues to work on other standing nodes since each site has 3 worker nodes. In case of a complete geo-redundant site failure, the system continues to work through other geo-redundant sites. In this way, services can run with Zero Downtime. If the master node fails then it needs a failover mechanism. When a master node is down, extra master nodes are needed to be able to restore itself to the old state. That's why Multi-Master Clusters are the best practice.

CLI Kubernetes Structure

Each Kubernetes Cluster includes CLI API, Notification Handler, Provisioning Service, Kafka, Redis, Zookeeper, and Sentinel pods. For the application to be accessible externally, a Kubernetes service must be created for the deployment. In the CLI Kubernetes Structure, a Kubernetes Load Balancer service is created for each of the CLI API, Notification Handler, Provisioning API and Redis Deployments. The Kubernetes Load Balancer service takes an external IP and allows the user to access the pod via this IP. But the critical point here is that each service communicates with the external network functions over different network interfaces. Thanks to the MetalLB open-source tool, each microservice receives different IP blocks from different network interfaces.

Incoming requests are equally distributed to the 4 geo-redundant sites by an external load balancer. The counselee or Counselor provides access to CLI microservices using this load balancer.

Redis Database & Apache Kafka

Redis is an open-source and In-Memory database. Redis can store many kinds of data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, etc. Since Redis is a memory-based database, the amount of memory used increases in direct proportion to the size of the dataset in the database. As the data grows, the memory requirement also increases. Therefore, high-performance VMs should be used. Although Redis uses memory to read, write, and store data. It periodically writes all data to a file on the disk for data persistence. When the database falls and starts again, it can get the data from this file and return to its old state. Unlike relational databases, Redis stores its data as key/value pairs.

CLI Redis has 2 different types of KEY/VALUE pairs; these are IMSI/MSISDN and MSISDN/SUBSCRIPTION. If a GET KEY request is received by Redis, then it sends VALUE in response. In this way, it can be quickly and easily queried whether an IMSI or MSISDN belongs to a registered subscriber in the database. The most critical part in the CLI is the response time of the Redis. Counselee and Counselor send GET KEY request to CLI API. CLI API queries the request on the Redis Database and responds to the VALUE to the Counselee or Counselor. All of the processes must take 5 milliseconds max. A request-response pair on CLI API is a transaction. The total number of transactions that occur in 1 second is called TPS. As a result of the load tests performed with the CLI API service, it has been proven that even in high network traffic like a few kilo TPS (transaction per second) in a site, the response time varies between 0-1 milliseconds.

Redis Cluster contains Master and Slave Nodes. If the Redis Master Node fails for some reason, one of the Slave Nodes becomes a new Master. However, the Redis connection will fail with CLI API, CLI Provisioning and CLI Notification Handler services due to the IP address or other information about the new master is not defined in configuration files. Redis Sentinel joins the Redis Cluster to solve this problem. When the master node falls, the Sentinels vote among themselves to assign a new master node. One of the Redis slave nodes becomes the new master and the microservices take this information from the own sentinel. In this way, services will not lose connection with Redis.

In the event of a disaster, if one of the sites fails, the synchronization between the Redis Cluster Nodes will be broken. In this case, a manual intervention is required. If a site containing one of the Redis Slave pods fails, the Redis Slave can re-sync itself using the Redis Master once the site is up and running. If 2 sites fail at the same time, synchronization will be broken. In this case, all Redis pods are stopped manually. The Redis Pod that is initially run becomes Master Pod. After that, other Redis pods are run one by one. These pods become slaves and start synchronizing themselves with the master.

Apache Kafka queues the incoming requests so that the same data can be found on each node of the Redis Cluster and distributes them to the Provisioning and Notification Handler services.

Zookeeper tracks the status of Kafka cluster nodes, Kafka topics, Kafka partitions, etc. Zookeeper ensures Kafka Cluster is highly available. The relationship between Redis and Sentinel is also visible in Zookeeper and Kafka. Zookeeper also plays an active role in determining Kafka Leader.



