Mastering Change in a Dynamic World

Mastering Change in a Dynamic World

Speed and agility are imperative tools for succeeding through personal and organizational change. However, change is usually accompanied with resistance which needs to be effectively overcome to be able to walk on the path of change faster and to thrive. Acceptance of the present and of the future is the starting point to adapting to change.

Below is an individual’s journey of how Acceptance of the Situation is the first step towards being resilient and agile in the face of change.

  1. Accepting the changed situation
  2. Clarity towards the need and urgency to Change
  3. Develops desire to engage in Change
  4. Helps to recognize and leverage strengths towards adapting to new situation
  5. Develop positive attitude towards the new goal
  6. Resilient and Change ready!!

Restructuring, rightsizing and downsizing became more common workplace practices . With the digital revolution and emerging flux in the present business environment, understanding the factors to be considered while rolling out such changes is pertinent.

Usually offered to employees who are laid-off during rightsizing exercise, to help them find a job, coach them to help identify their competencies and key strengths, prepare resumes and for job interviews and deal with negative feelings associated with job loss. However, it is not offered during performance-based termination.

The Aberdeen Group, a business intelligence research company, found that 48 percent of surveyed companies, which offer outplacement programs, have mostly “highly engaged” employees — more than 60 percent of their staff members in all. (2014)

Benefits to the Organization:

  • Sustains the organizations brand value
  • Beneficial to curb any unforeseen negative reaction like suicide, harm to the employer etc. and avoid lawsuits
  • Develops a culture of ethical practice and accountability, thereby developing a positive organizational culture
  • Reduces the damage on productivity though effective communication and plan
  • Help the organization’s bottom line as providing alternative jobs, saves the company from paying severance packages and unemployment cost

Best Practices:

  • Choose an outplacement consulting service which caters to the employees needs
  • Collaborate with a partner who is updated with latest career development trends like career coaching, platforms for finding jobs and personalizes where needed
  • Choose the severance benefits wisely depending on years of service, pay, size of the company, sector and cause

Read more:

How to foster effective inter-team collaboration?

How can I rebuild psychological safety in the team when employees are feeling demotivated?

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