Mastering CDP Success: Unlocking Customer Data Power
In this latest edition of our CDP monthly digest we present a collection of our "UNPACKING CDP" thought leadership articles. Dive into insights and strategies that will guide you in making your CDP project a success, to drive impactful results.
1. Why do your customers want you to have a CDP?
Do you have a CDP? If not, it might be the time to think about it. CDPs have become crucial for organisations looking to enhance their customer experience and deliver seamless omni-channel experiences. In this article , we will explore why your customers increasingly expect businesses to have a CDP in place, emphasising the need for the CDP industry to act from the end-user perspective.
2. The Art of Making CDP Projects a Success
Enterprises in the process of selecting a CDP through a Request for Proposal often focus heavily on technical aspects, privacy, security, and pricing, but tend to overlook the critical aspects of defining commercial targets, identifying use cases, and shaping the operating model. In this Blog post, we emphasise what is the primary goal of investing in a CDP and why it is necessary to align the CDP initiative with clear commercial objectives and a well-defined operating model.
3. Maximising CDP Project: The 3 key hurdles
Drawing from years of experience working closely with our clients, we have distilled invaluable insights into navigating the implementation of a Customer Data Platform. This transformative journey is frequently punctuated by formidable challenges. In this piece , we delve into strategies to successfully surmount these common hurdles.
4. How Not to Select a Customer Data Platform: A Guide to Avoiding Common Pitfalls
In the fast-paced realm of marketing technology, the selection of a Customer Data Platform can be a daunting task, laden with pitfalls that many businesses unwittingly stumble into. In this thought leadership article , we aim to shed light on the three most common pitfalls that have emerged while implementing a new project.
5.? Unleashing the Power of Customer Data: The Role of CDPs
Learn why a Customer Data Platform (CDP) is essential in today's marketing landscape. Discover how CDP empowers businesses to harness the full potential of customer data, deliver personalised experiences, and navigate the complexities of modern marketing.
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