"Mastering Azure Deployments: A Comprehensive Guide to DevOps, Terraform, and Security Best Practices"
A step-by-step guide for creating a customer registration application on Azure using Okta for admin and employees and Auth0 for Customer IDP.
1. Setting Up Azure Environment:
2. Azure AD B2C Setup:
Azure AD B2C is a customer identity and access management solution. We’ll use it for federated authentication.
3. Integrating with Identity Providers:
4. Designing & Implementing the Application:
5. Security Controls:
6. Development and Testing:
7. Deployment & Monitoring:
Remember, while unlimited budget removes constraints, it's essential to ensure that spending aligns with actual needs, optimizing for efficiency and effectiveness.
1. Azure Subscription:
2. Resource Groups:
3. Registering and Connecting Terraform Cloud:
4. Azure Service Principal for Terraform:
Terraform needs authentication to make changes in Azure. You'll set up a Service Principal for this.
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az login
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az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
5. Configuring Terraform Cloud to Use Azure:
6. Writing Terraform Configurations:
In the GitHub repository you connected with Terraform Cloud:
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provider "azurerm" { features {} }
7. Triggering Terraform Runs:
That's a high-level overview of setting up an Azure environment, integrating Terraform Cloud, and connecting it with GitHub. Ensure to always review and understand configurations before applying them, and always test in a non-production environment first.
Let's walk through the setup of Azure AD B2C using Terraform and manage it via GitHub:
2. Azure AD B2C Setup:
a) Create Azure AD B2C Tenant:
Using the Azure Portal is the most straightforward way to create a B2C tenant.
b) Register Applications using Terraform:
First, write the Terraform configuration for Azure AD B2C application registration. This would be committed to your GitHub repository and, through Terraform Cloud, reflected in Azure:
main.tf (or a suitable filename):
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provider "azuread" { version = "~> 1.0" # You can use environment variables or specify client details directly # client_id = "xxxxxx" # client_secret = "xxxxxx" # tenant_id = "xxxxxx" # environment = "public" } resource "azuread_application" "customer_portal" { name = "Customer Portal App" homepage = "https://customerportal.example.com/" reply_urls = ["https://customerportal.example.com/callback"] available_to_other_tenants = false oauth2_allow_implicit_flow = true } resource "azuread_application" "admin_portal" { name = "Admin Portal App" homepage = "https://adminportal.example.com/" reply_urls = ["https://adminportal.example.com/callback"] available_to_other_tenants = false oauth2_allow_implicit_flow = true }
Push this Terraform configuration to your GitHub repository. Terraform Cloud will detect the new configurations:
After the Terraform run, you'll have two applications registered. You'll need to configure them further based on your authentication requirements, whether it's setting up custom policies, user flows, or integrating with other identity providers.
Remember to securely store and manage any secrets or sensitive configurations, using solutions like Azure Key Vault or HashiCorp Vault, and never commit secrets directly to your repository.
Integrating identity providers with Azure AD B2C via Terraform involves a combination of the providers' own configurations and Azure's configurations. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Okta for Admin:
1. Sign up for an Okta developer account:
This is a manual step that you can't manage via Terraform. Go to Okta's website and sign up for a developer account.
2. Register your admin application in Okta:
While you can use Okta's Terraform provider to automate this, for the sake of this guide, I'll assume you do it manually via the Okta dashboard to obtain your client_id, client_secret, and other necessary details.
3. In Azure AD B2C, set up a custom identity provider using Terraform:
Use the azuread provider and azuread_b2c_identity_provider resource:
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resource "azuread_b2c_identity_provider" "okta" { tenant_id = "your_b2c_tenant_id" name = "Okta" type = "OpenIdConnect" client_id = "okta_client_id" # From Okta dashboard client_secret { key_name = "value_from_okta" value = "okta_client_secret" # Ensure this is securely retrieved } profile_editing = "NotAllowed" profile_deletion = "NotAllowed" identity_provider_signup = "NotAllowed" }
Auth0 for Customers:
1. Sign up for an Auth0 account:
This is another manual step. Navigate to the Auth0 website and create an account.
2. Register your customer-facing application in Auth0:
Again, for simplicity, assume you're doing this manually via the Auth0 dashboard to get your client_id, client_secret, and other necessary details.
3. In Azure AD B2C, set up another custom identity provider using Terraform:
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resource "azuread_b2c_identity_provider" "auth0" { tenant_id = "your_b2c_tenant_id" name = "Auth0" type = "OpenIdConnect" client_id = "auth0_client_id" # From Auth0 dashboard client_secret { key_name = "value_from_auth0" value = "auth0_client_secret" # Ensure this is securely retrieved } profile_editing = "NotAllowed" profile_deletion = "NotAllowed" identity_provider_signup = "NotAllowed" }
Securely managing secrets:
It's crucial not to hard-code secrets like client_secret in your Terraform configurations. Use a secrets manager or Terraform Cloud's sensitive variable feature. When fetching secrets for Terraform runs, leverage providers like HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, or Azure Key Vault.
After you've defined these configurations, push them to your GitHub repository, so Terraform Cloud can pick them up. Review the execution plan carefully to ensure only the desired changes will be made before applying the configuration.
Let's detail the process to implement and integrate the application into a CI/CD pipeline using Terraform and GitHub:
4. Designing & Implementing the Application:
Terraform Implementation for Infrastructure:
Azure App Service:
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resource "azurerm_app_service" "backend" { name = "your-appservice-name" location = "your-azure-location" resource_group_name = "your-resource-group" app_service_plan_id = "your-app-service-plan-id" site_config { dotnet_framework_version = "v5.0" # or other version depending on your backend } app_settings = { "SOME_SETTING" = "value" } tags = { "Environment" = "Production" } }
Azure SQL Database:
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resource "azurerm_sql_server" "example" { name = "your-sqlserver-name" resource_group_name = "your-resource-group" location = "your-azure-location" version = "12.0" administrator_login = "admin" administrator_login_password = "password" # Use a secure method to fetch this, not hardcoded! } resource "azurerm_sql_database" "example" { name = "your-database-name" resource_group_name = "your-resource-group" server_name = azurerm_sql_server.example.name location = "your-azure-location" collation = "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" edition = "Standard" tags = { environment = "Production" } }
CI/CD with GitHub and Terraform:
1. Version Control with GitHub:
2. Terraform Cloud Setup:
3. CI/CD with GitHub Actions:
4. Deployment:
5. Monitoring and Feedback:
6. Database Migrations:
7. Enabling CI/CD:
Remember, CI/CD is a continuous journey. Over time, refine and optimize your processes based on feedback and changing requirements. Always focus on security, especially when handling secrets and deploying changes.
Let's break it down and add Terraform code for each of the security controls:
1. Encryption at Rest:
Azure SQL Database and many Azure services have encryption at rest by default.
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resource "azurerm_sql_server" "example" { ... identity { type = "SystemAssigned" } } resource "azurerm_sql_database" "example" { ... transparent_data_encryption { status = "Enabled" } }
2. Encryption in Transit:
Ensure your App Service or other endpoints use HTTPS.
3. Monitoring:
Enable Azure Security Center:
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resource "azurerm_security_center_subscription_pricing" "example" { tier = "Standard" }
4. Logging:
Azure Monitor and Application Insights:
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resource "azurerm_application_insights" "example" { ... }
5. Firewall & Networking:
Azure Firewall or NSG:
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resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "example" { ... } resource "azurerm_network_security_rule" "example" { ... }
6. Backup:
Regular database backups:
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resource "azurerm_sql_database" "example" { ... short_term_retention_policy { retention_days = 7 } long_term_retention_policy { weekly_retention = "P4W" monthly_retention = "P12M" yearly_retention = "P7Y" week_of_year = 4 } }
7. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA):
This would typically be configured within the Okta and Auth0 platforms themselves and isn't something you'd manage with Terraform against Azure resources.
8. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):
Assign roles with Azure:
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resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "example" { principal_id = "..." role_definition_name = "..." scope = "..." }
9. Data Redundancy:
Azure's geo-redundant storage:
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resource "azurerm_storage_account" "example" { ... account_replication_type = "GRS" }
10. Rate Limiting:
While Azure provides some DDoS protection capabilities, specific rate limiting might require additional setups, like Azure API Management or using a third-party application firewall.
11. Patch Management:
Ensure Azure services are updated. Also, consider using Azure Policy to enforce certain patch levels.
12. API Security:
For APIs, use Azure API Management:
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resource "azurerm_api_management" "example" { ... }
Implement OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect on your APIs using the identity platforms (Okta and Auth0) for token generation and validation.
This Terraform code provides a foundation for the various security controls for an Azure environment. Always ensure to review and adjust configurations according to specific project requirements and keep Terraform code in a version-controlled environment like GitHub, integrating CI/CD for better management and deployment.
6. Development and Testing:
Using a combination of agile methodologies for development and a robust testing framework ensures that the software is of high quality, secure, and meets the user's needs. Integrating Jenkins and Terraform further automates and streamlines the process, providing a fast, efficient, and repeatable deployment pipeline.
Now it is time to deploy and start iterating.
Let's structure the Terraform integration with Jenkins. This guide assumes that you already have your Terraform scripts ready in your GitHub repository from above. Below, I will detail the setup and Jenkins integration:
Terraform Backend Configuration:
To manage your Terraform state efficiently, especially with CI/CD pipelines, it's best to use remote backends like Azure Blob Storage.
Here's a basic setup for Azure:
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terraform { backend "azurerm" { resource_group_name = "myTFResourceGroup" storage_account_name = "mytfstorageacc" container_name = "mytfcontainer" key = "prod.terraform.tfstate" } }
Make sure you've initialized this backend appropriately before automating it with Jenkins.
Jenkins Pipeline:
You'll need a Jenkinsfile in your repository root. Here's a simple Jenkinsfile for Terraform integration:
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pipeline { agent any environment { TF_DIR = 'path_to_terraform_scripts' // Update this path } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout scm } } stage('Terraform Init') { steps { dir("${TF_DIR}") { sh 'terraform init' } } } stage('Terraform Plan') { steps { dir("${TF_DIR}") { sh 'terraform plan -out=tfplan' } } } stage('Terraform Apply') { when { input message: 'Apply Terraform changes?', ok: 'Apply' } steps { dir("${TF_DIR}") { sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve tfplan' } } } } }
Things to Remember:
This setup provides a basic integration of Terraform with Jenkins. Depending on the complexity of your infrastructure and requirements, you might want to expand on this, including steps for linting, testing, or even more granular controls over Terraform actions.
Let's integrate with Hashvault to protect and make secrets management simpler.
Integrating Terraform with HashiCorp Vault (often referred to as just "Vault") as a secrets manager enhances security by ensuring secrets aren't hardcoded or stored insecurely. Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets, such as API keys, passwords, or certificates. Below is a step-by-step guide on this integration:
1. Setting Up Vault:
If you don’t have Vault set up:
2. Configuring Vault:
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vault auth enable approle
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# policy.hcl path "secret/data/myapp" { capabilities = ["read"] }
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vault policy write myapp-policy policy.hcl
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vault write auth/approle/role/myapp-role token_policies="myapp-policy"
3. Integrating Terraform with Vault:
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vault read auth/approle/role/myapp-role/role-id vault write -f auth/approle/role/myapp-role/secret-id
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provider "vault" { address = "https://your-vault-server:8200" token = "your-token" # Can be sourced from VAULT_TOKEN env variable }
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export VAULT_TOKEN=$(vault write -field=token auth/approle/login role_id=YOUR_ROLE_ID secret_id=YOUR_SECRET_ID)
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data "vault_generic_secret" "my_secret" { path = "secret/data/myapp" } output "my_secret_value" { value = data.vault_generic_secret.my_secret.data["my-secret-key"] }
4. Integrating with Jenkins:
5. Security Best Practices:
By integrating Vault with Terraform in Jenkins, you ensure that secrets are accessed securely during infrastructure provisioning. It allows you to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data throughout the CI/CD process.
Now hook terraform in so we no longer need to see secrets at any step.
Certainly, integrating Terraform with HashiCorp Vault (often referred to as just "Vault") as a secrets manager significantly bolsters security by ensuring that sensitive information isn't stored or hard-coded insecurely. Vault provides secure secret management services which can be utilized by Terraform for accessing required credentials or secrets.
1. Setting Up Vault:
2. Configuring Vault:
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vault secrets enable -path=my-secrets kv
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vault kv put my-secrets/db-pass password="my-strong-password"
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vault auth enable approle
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# terraform-policy.hcl path "my-secrets/*" { capabilities = ["read"] }
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vault policy write terraform-policy terraform-policy.hcl
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vault write auth/approle/role/terraform policies=terraform-policy
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vault read auth/approle/role/terraform/role-id vault write -f auth/approle/role/terraform/secret-id
3. Terraform Configuration:
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provider "vault" { address = "https://your-vault-server-address:8200" }
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data "vault_generic_secret" "db_password" { path = "my-secrets/db-pass" } output "database_password" { value = data.vault_generic_secret.db_password.data["password"] }
4. Integration into CI/CD (e.g., Jenkins):
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environment { VAULT_TOKEN = sh(script: 'vault write -field=token auth/approle/login role_id=${ROLE_ID} secret_id=${SECRET_ID}', returnStdout: true).trim() }
5. Best Practices & Considerations:
Integrating Terraform with Vault in a CI/CD pipeline, like Jenkins, ensures secrets are securely managed and accessed during the infrastructure provisioning process. It separates the management of secrets from the codebase, adding a layer of security and central management.
This is where it all pays off - by pulling this all together you can create a repeatable model for an infinite number of teams to securely build whatever apps they need.
Given the complexity of the task, a full-fledged script can't be produced instantly in a single response. Instead, I'll provide a high-level Python script that outlines the steps. You'd need to expand on this, handle errors, and further modularize the tasks.
This script assumes:
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import subprocess import hvac def execute_command(command): process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: print(f"Error executing {command}: {err}") exit(1) return out def setup_azure_resources(): # Create resources on Azure for Terraform backend and Jenkins environment (VM, Storage, etc.) execute_command("az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus") # ... Other Azure commands def setup_terraform(): # Initialize and apply Terraform configurations execute_command("terraform init path_to_terraform_files") execute_command("terraform apply -auto-approve path_to_terraform_files") def setup_vault(): client = hvac.Client(url='https://vault-cloud-url') # Authenticate with Vault (using token for simplicity; you should use more secure methods in real scenarios) client.token = 'your-vault-token' # Enable secrets engine and write secrets client.sys.enable_secrets_engine('kv', options={'version': '2'}, path='my-secrets') client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret(path='db-pass', secret=dict(password="my-strong-password")) # Enable and configure AppRole authentication client.sys.enable_auth_method(method_type='approle') policy = """ path "my-secrets/*" { capabilities = ["read"] } """ client.sys.create_or_update_policy(name='terraform-policy', policy=policy) client.create_role(name='terraform', policies=['terraform-policy']) # Fetch RoleID and SecretID for Terraform role_id = client.get_role_id(role_name='terraform') secret_id = client.create_role_secret_id(role_name='terraform')['data']['secret_id'] return role_id, secret_id def main(): setup_azure_resources() role_id, secret_id = setup_vault() # Use role_id and secret_id with Terraform # Assuming you have Terraform configurations ready that access secrets from Vault using the role setup_terraform() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
This script provides an overview of the steps. For a production environment:
Before you run this or any script, especially one that interacts with cloud resources, ensure that it's been thoroughly reviewed and tested in a safe, non-production environment.
Breaking the script into more modular pieces and triggering the script based on an event can make it more maintainable and adaptable.
Let's consider the event as a new commit to a GitHub repository. You can use GitHub webhooks to trigger a function when a new commit is pushed. This function can be hosted on any server and called by the webhook.
Here's the modular approach:
1. Setup Azure Resources:
This will set up necessary Azure resources.
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def setup_azure_resources(): # Create resources on Azure for Terraform backend and Jenkins environment (VM, Storage, etc.) execute_command("az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus") # ... Other Azure commands
2. Setup Terraform:
This initializes and applies Terraform configurations.
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def setup_terraform(): # Initialize and apply Terraform configurations execute_command("terraform init path_to_terraform_files") execute_command("terraform apply -auto-approve path_to_terraform_files")
3. Setup Vault:
This will enable secrets and authentication methods in Vault.
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def setup_vault(): client = hvac.Client(url='https://vault-cloud-url') # Authenticate with Vault client.token = 'your-vault-token' # Enable secrets engine and write secrets client.sys.enable_secrets_engine('kv', options={'version': '2'}, path='my-secrets') client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret(path='db-pass', secret=dict(password="my-strong-password")) # Enable and configure AppRole authentication client.sys.enable_auth_method(method_type='approle') policy = """ path "my-secrets/*" { capabilities = ["read"] } """ client.sys.create_or_update_policy(name='terraform-policy', policy=policy) client.create_role(name='terraform', policies=['terraform-policy']) # Fetch RoleID and SecretID for Terraform role_id = client.get_role_id(role_name='terraform') secret_id = client.create_role_secret_id(role_name='terraform')['data']['secret_id'] return role_id, secret_id
4. GitHub Webhook Event:
This will be an HTTP endpoint that listens for the GitHub webhook.
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from flask import Flask, request, jsonify app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/github-webhook', methods=['POST']) def github_event(): payload = request.json if not payload: return jsonify({"message": "Invalid payload"}), 400 # Checking for the push event (this can be any event you are interested in) if request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') == "push": main() # Call the main function to execute all tasks return jsonify({"message": "Successfully triggered by push event"}), 200 return jsonify({"message": "Event not handled"}), 400
5. Main Execution Function:
This calls the functions in sequence.
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def main(): setup_azure_resources() role_id, secret_id = setup_vault() # Use role_id and secret_id with Terraform setup_terraform()
6. Server Run:
This will run the Flask server, listening for incoming webhook requests.
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if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(port=5000)
I'll combine all the pieces from the previous message and write them out in a streamlined manner for steps 1 to 4.
To execute these steps, you need several prerequisites:
Here's the code:
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import subprocess import hvac from flask import Flask, request, jsonify app = Flask(__name__) # Helper function to execute commands def execute_command(command): process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: print(f"Error executing {command}: {err}") exit(1) return out # Step 1: Set up Azure resources def setup_azure_resources(): execute_command("az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus") # Add any other necessary Azure CLI commands to set up resources # Step 2: Initialize and apply Terraform configurations def setup_terraform(): execute_command("terraform init path_to_terraform_files") execute_command("terraform apply -auto-approve path_to_terraform_files") # Step 3: Set up Vault (enable secrets, configure authentication methods) def setup_vault(): client = hvac.Client(url='https://vault-cloud-url') client.token = 'your-vault-token' # Use a secure method to retrieve this client.sys.enable_secrets_engine('kv', options={'version': '2'}, path='my-secrets') client.secrets.kv.v2.create_or_update_secret(path='db-pass', secret=dict(password="my-strong-password")) client.sys.enable_auth_method(method_type='approle') policy = """ path "my-secrets/*" { capabilities = ["read"] } """ client.sys.create_or_update_policy(name='terraform-policy', policy=policy) client.create_role(name='terraform', policies=['terraform-policy']) role_id = client.get_role_id(role_name='terraform') secret_id = client.create_role_secret_id(role_name='terraform')['data']['secret_id'] return role_id, secret_id # Step 4: GitHub Webhook Event Endpoint @app.route('/github-webhook', methods=['POST']) def github_event(): payload = request.json if not payload: return jsonify({"message": "Invalid payload"}), 400 if request.headers.get('X-GitHub-Event') == "push": main() return jsonify({"message": "Successfully triggered by push event"}), 200 return jsonify({"message": "Event not handled"}), 400 # Main Execution Function def main(): setup_azure_resources() role_id, secret_id = setup_vault() setup_terraform() # Server Runner if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(port=5000)
Please make sure you have Flask installed:
Copy code
pip install Flask hvac
Before running this script, replace placeholders (like path_to_terraform_files, https://vault-cloud-url, and your-vault-token) with actual values. Ensure that the necessary tools and configurations are set up correctly, and test this in a safe, non-production environment first.
There we have created an automated secure Azure environment build model that is useable by an agile organization and nearly infinitely scalable.