Mastering the Art of Uncovering Your Customer's True Priorities: A Guide to Sales Questions That Challenge and Convert
Hybrid Performance Group
Becoming the best version of you is a mindset and lifestyle. Make a change. Take over responsibility for your success!
In sales, it's not just about identifying your customer's primary goals; it's also about discerning how they prioritize those goals. Take a VP of Sales, for instance. Universally, they focus on increasing revenue, profitability, reducing sales cycles, and curbing employee turnover.
But it's my job to figure out which of these is most urgent for them. For example, let's say I sell a sales training solution. If I blindly assume their top priority is to boost sales, I may miss the mark. What if they're already making high revenues but are heavily discounting, causing profitability to plummet? This understanding allows me to ask pointed questions that resonate.
For example, I might prompt with: "Recent surveys suggest most B2B customers can't distinguish one supplier from another. What implications does this have for your goals like increasing revenue or profitability, and which of these is most critical for you right now?" This approach not only confirms their goals but brings to the surface the priority among them.
Key Points:
In summary, effective sales conversations hinge on knowing not just what your customer aims to achieve, but which goals are most critical to them right now.