Mastering The Art Of Unapologetic NO To All The Hard Feelings That Make You Cry
Take it on the chin, you are all grown up.”
Ria jerked awake with her heart pounding. It was no more a bad dream but soon to be the reality she was expected to live with. The childhood memories of “togetherness” started haunting her, the impending loss felt overwhelming.
Could she do anything about it and put a stop to this misery or will she have to accept it wittingly.
The struggle to erase all the sweet past memories had completely numbed her senses, all she now knew was that it was NOT only her parents who were getting divorced but it was the separation as a “Family.” Had she known that “Family” also came with an Expiry date, she would never had taken the precious “togetherness “ for granted.
Though Ria was fully aware of the turbulent marriage her parents were into but divorce always felt a far fetched idea. How could she taint the “Happy Family” image tucked in her heart by even thinking of the dreadful marital breakdown? This surely can not happen to her and with this conviction, 30 years had passed. She loved her parents and her parents loved her back and thus it felt faint to even think of them parting their ways. The everyday ritual of whatsapp video call with them in one single frame further hardened her belief that “everything was absolutely all right” and she did not have to fret over minor scuffles.
But “Happy Family” portrait was a mirage, she could no more ignore the constant wailings of her mother and insurmountable issues between her parents.
She could no more evade the inevitable. Marital conflict between her parents was for real and reconciliation was no more a possibility.
With this acceptance, she started taking baby steps towards the art of saying an unapologetic NO to all the hard feelings, angst and confusion which had entirely captured her mind and heart.
“I do not want to tear apart and thus I take a hard stand to remain unapologetic about my decision to take charge of my happiness and inner peace in spite of the ongoing turmoil in my family.”
“I an not god’s incarnation on earth and thus I do not possess spiritual powers to make my parents start loving each other. I will attempt to bridge the gap but if I fail, I will certainly have an unapologetic NO attitude towards my tears for I can’t blame myself for them tearing apart.”
“ For a long time, I have blamed myself and my sister for the ongoing turbulence in my parents’ life but now I want to say an unapologetic NO to the guilt feeling which says that we are the reason for their marital discord. “
Her personal diary was her sole companion and penning down these thoughts gave her an instant high.
“Get a life”, finally, Ria said this to the “helplessness” residing somewhere in her heart. She felt lively and uninhibited as she had learnt the art of saying unapologetic NO to all the negativity around her.