Mastering the Art of Self Care
Angela Little Apex Sprayed Concrete and Construction
?? Passionate about revolutionizing the construction industry with innovative sprayed concrete solutions. Excited to be part of the dynamic team at Apex Sprayed Concrete.
How do you score on taking care of .......YOURSELF
Answer the following 40 questions honestly to determine your self care score.
For every “yes” answer, you score 1 point.
Relationships (setting healthy boundaries)
Quite often we over-commit our time, juggling 101 items on our to-do list.
This stems from our need to try and please everyone, but it quickly leads to us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Setting healthy boundaries can help you ensure that you have time to take care of your needs too.
Am I able to acknowledge when I’m not making enough time for myself?
Do I say ‘no’ and practice assertiveness to protect myself?
Do I have a good work-life balance?
Do I know what I will or will not tolerate in my relationships?
Am I able to tell someone when they are hurting me?
Am I able to tell when someone is taking advantage of my good nature?
Am I able to recognise toxic relationships?
Do I take the necessary steps to distance myself from toxic relationships?
Do I know what I need to thrive in a friendships or relationship?
Do I know when to let people in?
Do I accept help from the people that care about me?
Do I respect other people’s boundaries?
Do I acknowledge that I can give more of myself when I’m in a good space physically and emotionally?
Personal life (brain, body, belly)
When it comes to self care in our personal lives, there are three key areas we should focus on: our brain (mental health), body (physical fitness) and belly (the nutrition we need to stay healthy).
By balancing our brain, body and belly, we’ll enjoy a better quality of life.
Do I know what I want for my future?
Am I constantly working towards my personal goals?
Do I feel fulfilled in my personal relationships?
Are my romantic needs being met?
Are my friendships healthy?
Do I make time to see the people I care about?
Do the people I care about make time to see me?
Do I make time for life admin (like getting my car serviced)?
Do I allocate downtime (or no-screen time) during my week?
Do make time for my hobbies and things I’m passionate about?
Am I living my life authentically and to the fullest?
Do I take care of my health?
Do I eat my five servings of fresh fruit and veggies every day?
Do I drink enough water every day (+ - eight cups)?
Do I limit my consumption of things like coffee, energy drinks, alcohol and soda?
Do I cook at least one healthy meal per day?
Do I make time for exercise?
Do I partake in outdoor activities?
Do I take care of my appearance? (When we look good, we feel good)
Do I get seven to eight hours of sleep per night?
Career section
Not everyone has the luxury of pursuing their dream job straight out of school or university.
However, there’s loads of ways to practice self care where we are right now.
Setting small, achievable goals for ourselves helps us get where we need to (or want to) be.
Do I know what I want from my career?
Are my career goals aligned with my personal goals?
Do I feel fulfilled in my role at work?
Do I have a role model?
Am I a role model for others?
Am I constantly working towards my career goals?
Do I take time to work on self actualisation (e.g. studying, training, etc.)?
Time to do the maths.
No matter what your score, you can refer to the next section where we offer some handy tips to live a healthier life.
If you got
a high score, chances are that you’re doing these already. If your score is low, take action today.
31 to 40
Wow, you’re a self care champion. While it’s impossible for any of us to avoid all stress at all times (every single one of us has ups and downs), you’re sure doing a great job of handling the things life throws at you.
21 to 30
Not too shabby, you’re practicing self care in many areas of your life. There’s still a little room for improvement though. Work out the areas where there are enhancement opportunities and try
to gradually make some positive changes.
11 to 20
It might be time to take a step back and make some more time for yourself. Start adding a few more self care activities to your daily routine. Small changes like taking the stairs, drinking more water
or reading a book can go a long way towards achieving a balanced lifestyle.
0 to 10
Looks like you’re burning the candle at both ends. Remember that you’re just as important as everyone else around you. When you’re feeling at your best, you’re better able to uplift and nurture the people