Mastering the Art of Landing Truck Driving Jobs
If you’re currently a truck driver or have been in the past, you know that truck driving jobs are coveted for several reasons. There are few roles that offer as much independence, stability and a sense of purpose.
Because of that, there’s a lot of demand for truck driving jobs. That being said, there’s also plenty of opportunity in the field. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, tractor-trailer and heavy truck driver employment is projected to increase by four percent from 2022 to 2032.
If you’re interested in truck driving jobs but aren’t sure where to begin, consider this your ultimate guide to landing the role of your dreams. From the landscape of truck driving jobs to requirements you should know about, GP Transco has all the knowledge necessary to help you land the job you want.
The Landscape of Truck Driving Jobs
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics also estimates that approximately 241,200 openings for heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers are projected annually between 2022 and 2032. The Bureau also believes that many of these openings will result from folks leaving the labor force for retirement, which speaks to how successful building a career in truck driving can be.
There are several different types of truck driving jobs available, so you can find the right fit for your skillset:
Once you’ve selected what type of truck driving jobs you’d be interested in pursuing, you’ll have to choose a trucking company that offers a role you’re looking for. This is the fun part: you can shop around and find the highest-paying truck companies.
While there are plenty of opportunities available in the trucking industry, there are also some challenges that job seekers should watch out for. Some obstacles you may need to overcome as you navigate your job search include:
Truck Driving Job Requirements
Like any job, you need certain skills and requirements to successfully land truck driving jobs. The requirements to land a role depend on the trucking company you decide to work with.
For GP Transco, applicants must have at least one year of experience to succeed in landing a role. (Of course, the more experience, the better—but one year is the absolute minimum.) However, other trucking companies may have different requirements. Here are some requirements you’ll often see for truck driving jobs.
Licensing and Certifications
Truck driving jobs require a certain type of driver’s license. In order to successfully get the job, you’ll need to have a valid commercial driver’s license or CDL.
To acquire this, you’ll have to do some preparation, such as reading the CDL Manual. (This varies state by state, so be sure you have the right manual for your area.) From there, you’ll have to complete classes and training that ensure you are properly equipped with the skills necessary to navigate driving a massive commercial vehicle.
Unfortunately, you will not be eligible for truck driving jobs if you do not have a CDL.
Physical and Health Requirements
Did you know that truck drivers are required to uphold certain physical health requirements? It’s true. Trucking can be very physically taxing on the body since you’re sitting in a stationary position for 14 hours.
Before you are able to join a fleet in a truck driving role, you’ll first need to have a physical that assures that you pass the health requirements to hold a CDL. You’ll get a medical card that demonstrates this.
Throughout this process, your vision, color distinction, hearing, heart health and even blood pressure are tested. According to the Department of Transportation, this exam is valid for 24 months, so make sure yours is up to date when applying to truck driving jobs.
Experience and Training
In addition to the licensing and physical and health requirements you need to fulfill to qualify for truck driving jobs, there’s also expected experience and training necessary. This is necessary because if you don’t have the right training and experience, you may not be comfortable navigating such a large vehicle. This can result in accidents, so experience and training are an absolute must.
You need at least one year of training for truck driving jobs at GP Transco, but more would be better. In addition, you should have completed training when qualifying for your CDL. This training will come in handy as you work towards getting a new truck driving job.
Ultimately, you want your experience to showcase your commitment to driving safely and making deadlines. It’s also helpful for folks to understand transportation regulations strongly.
Showcasing Experience and Reliability
So you have all the technical requirements necessary to land truck driving jobs. What’s next? Now, it’s time to put together your resume to showcase your experience, reliability and commitment to safety.
Here are some best practices to remember when putting together your resume:
Navigating the Application Process
Once you’ve successfully created a resume, it’s time to put it to good use and apply for truck driving jobs. There are several ways to find truck driving jobs. You can start by pursuing online job boards to find openings.
Alternatively, you may complete research on popular truck driving companies and identify which you’d want to work for. From there, you can check their company careers page for any openings. Don’t worry if you don’t see any the first time you check: just keep an eye on the careers page, and you may see an opening pop up sooner than later.
Lastly, you can find truck driving jobs by attending a job fair or networking. Do you have a friend who works for a trucking company that they love? You can ask them to put in a good word for you with the human resources team.
Mastering the Interview
Once you’ve applied for a job and landed an interview, it’s time to kick the preparation up a notch. Before heading into an interview for a truck driving job, it’s essential you’re well-versed in industry changes.
To achieve this, you should stay current with industry updates. One way to do this is to read trucking magazines or routinely check trucking blogs. You can also follow creators in the trucking space on social media to stay in the loop.
During your interview itself, it’s important that you convey your commitment to safety and reliability. In addition to the technical requirements necessary, this is what your interviewers are looking for: someone to do the job safely and well. If you can successfully convey this through your interview, you’ll likely land the trucking job of your dreams.
Apply to Drive
To land truck driving jobs, you need a specific set of skills. If you have the necessary requirements and are a safe, reliable driver, you’ll find an excellent position in no time. If you’re looking for a competitive salary and a steady income, look no further than GP Transco, seeking safe, reliable drivers.
Apply to become a GP Transco driver today.