Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

Undoubtedly, communication is an art, and often a gift that few people get. Many leaders can be cited and entitled as "The Master of Communication".

Reminding leaders that were positively memorable in history, we can mention Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Nelson Mandela, among others. And as awful leaders, who through his power of persuasion, can remember Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, Jim Jones, Osama Bin Laden as the main among many others.

Leaving this level, and coming down to the world of ordinary people, the manner of communication is a critical component to define ourselves in many different scenarios.

Even in a society as a whole, at home, in the corporate world or even at the time of a job interview, in a presentation of a project, or when referring to people in everyday situations.

Whatever we talk show who we are, revealing our personality and character.

Words have power indeed, both for good and the evil. And along with the words, the tone of voice, emotion, feelings, rhythm, and tone of voice can empower them further. Each listener can decipher and change the meaning of the same words, differently.

According to the Project Management Institute, a project manager spends 90% of their time communicating with the entire community of people, who are part of a particular project (stakeholders). For example, in a project to build a bridge, the manager of this project must keep a close communication with the sponsor, the project team, environmental and political authorities, suppliers, etc., either in written form, as spoken.

The lecture: clearly shows that communication is an art that makes all the difference in our lives, for the people, who listen to what is spoken, can have multiple different interpretations of the words spoken.

The way we speak and our personal presentation make labels and adjectives are created about us. We can be seen as someone trustworthy, worthy of respect and honor, honest, decent, suitable, excellent professional and build a reputation and respect this stunning set of significant concepts. Or the other way too. Evil thoughts generate wrong values, which unfold into harmful behaviors and attitudes, creating an image in some people, like a bad character, villain, rogue, psycho, thief, etc. Or despicable professionals and dreadful co-workers.

Despite being a gift received by very few people, we can enhance and improve the way we communicate, through techniques, exercises, and training, uniting our voice with body language, even if we don't have this natural gift. But keep in mind our life is about choices and decisions.

"Words have power ... Every sound, every syllable, every letter is a vibration that in speaking we are releasing into the air. The waves echo the subtle fields of those who hear them, but, even more, have repercussions throughout the universe, for everything can interconnect.

It is important the word power of becoming aware of using it wisely in our lives.

But the thought is also the energy that materializes and, even if it occurs on a more subtle level, the influence can manifest around us, for "all that is above, below," and, therefore, everything can interconnect.

Every thought is the word, for we learn to think like that. And every thought is energy too, energy from the same raw material that our bodies, the animals, the plants and everything that exists including minerals, the wind, light, etc.

It turns out that there are differences in the vibrations of each element in the universe. Thus, for example, a stone vibrates at a low frequency, so you can touch it and see it. Have a light vibrates at a much higher frequency; so although we see, we can not touch her. We have thought we can not even see it, but it's there, there and generates repercussions, even from a distance.

Every word uttered has an effect on our lives, and this influence can be in our favor or against us, as the idea it expresses.

The word is very powerful: it can condemn, save, send and illuminate the darkness; You can get sick, heal and give hope, make someone happy or sad. "

As stated in James 3: 12-3, in the New Testament:
"He who does not stumble in speaking is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body. When we put the brakes on the horses' mouths to make them obey us, we guide their whole body. "

Jesus Christ teaches in Matthew 12: 34-37, "The mouth speaks what the heart that is full. A good man out of the good treasure brings forth good, but the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you that every idle word that men shall speak accounts will on Judgment Day. For by your words you will be justified and by your words, you will be condemned. "

According to an ancient Tibetan saying: "Words have neither pointed nor cut, but can hurt the heart of a man."
We know that power over other people when we are children, our parents have power over us and will teach us to understand words spoken in many ways, good or bad. We become conscious that words have creative power, and we should pronounce them wisely.

Whoever speaks without thinking also acts without thinking and knowing silence is the highest wisdom that exists, also, to achieve with a lot of discipline. Knowing silence, as is done in meditation, makes them open spaces in our being, enticing the spirit to manifest and so we get, and self-control and health, greater awareness in everything we do.

really well said Norton Paratela. a captivating read that resonates with the soul!

Norton Paratela, PMP, MBA

International Negotiation MBA Professor @ PUC Minas | Business Transformation

9 年

Thank you for your comments, Marcos. I appreciate it.

Marcos Dias

Eng. de Processos, Gest?o de Projetos, Inovac?es, Planta Piloto e Laboratório | Minera??o Rio do Norte

9 年

This text is very interesting. We shall consider that we lose a huge time because of no-effective communication and misunderstanding. That's a point we need to work hard!


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