Mastering Animations in Jetpack Compose: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Mastering Animations in Jetpack Compose: From Basics to Advanced Techniques

Part of the series "Android Development Series by Mircea Ioan Soit"

Animations play a pivotal role in enhancing user experience by making the UI feel responsive, engaging, and alive. Jetpack Compose offers a powerful and intuitive animation system that simplifies the process of creating visually appealing animations, allowing developers to bring their UIs to life with minimal effort.

In this article, we will explore the animation APIs provided by Jetpack Compose, starting with simple transitions and moving into more advanced techniques for handling complex animations.

1. Understanding Animation in Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose animations are declarative, just like the rest of the framework. This means that the animation’s state is driven by the underlying data, and the UI will automatically update and animate as the data changes. Compose provides various animation APIs that allow developers to create smooth, seamless animations with ease.

The core animation APIs include:

  • animate*AsState: For animating simple values (like color, size, position).
  • AnimatedVisibility: For handling visibility transitions.
  • updateTransition: For coordinating multiple animations together.
  • rememberInfiniteTransition: For creating continuous animations.

2. Animating State Changes with animate*AsState

One of the simplest and most commonly used animation APIs is animate*AsState. It allows you to smoothly animate between different states by wrapping values such as color, position, size, or float.

a) Basic Example: Animating Size

fun AnimatingBox() {
    var isExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val size by animateDpAsState(if (isExpanded) 200.dp else 100.dp)

        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { isExpanded = !isExpanded }

In this example, when the box is clicked, the size transitions smoothly between 100.dp and 200.dp.

b) Animating Color

You can also animate color changes using animateColorAsState:

val color by animateColorAsState(if (isSelected) Color.Green else Color.Red)
Box(modifier = Modifier.background(color))        

3. Using AnimatedVisibility for Smooth Transitions

The AnimatedVisibility composable allows you to animate the appearance and disappearance of UI elements, which is great for handling transitions where views are conditionally shown or hidden.

a) Basic Example of AnimatedVisibility:

fun VisibilityDemo() {
    var isVisible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

    Column {
        Button(onClick = { isVisible = !isVisible }) {
            Text("Toggle Visibility")

        AnimatedVisibility(visible = isVisible) {
                modifier = Modifier

Here, the red box fades in and out of the screen when its visibility is toggled.

b) Adding Custom Enter/Exit Animations:

You can customize the enter and exit animations to create more complex transitions:

    visible = isVisible,
    enter = fadeIn() + slideInVertically(),
    exit = fadeOut() + slideOutVertically()
) {
    Box(modifier = Modifier.size(100.dp).background(Color.Green))

This example makes the component slide and fade in or out depending on its visibility state.

4. Handling Complex State Changes with updateTransition

When you need to animate multiple properties together based on a state, updateTransition is a great tool. It allows you to define a transition between two or more states and apply animations to various properties.

a) Example: Coordinating Multiple Animations

fun MultiStateAnimation() {
    var isExpanded by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val transition = updateTransition(isExpanded, label = "ExpandTransition")

    val color by transition.animateColor(label = "ColorTransition") {
        if (it) Color.Green else Color.Blue
    val size by transition.animateDp(label = "SizeTransition") {
        if (it) 200.dp else 100.dp

        modifier = Modifier
            .clickable { isExpanded = !isExpanded }

In this example, we are animating both the size and color of the box simultaneously based on a single state (isExpanded).

5. Creating Continuous Animations with rememberInfiniteTransition

If you need to create looping or continuous animations (e.g., for loading indicators), rememberInfiniteTransition is the API to use.

a) Basic Example: Pulsing Animation

fun PulseAnimation() {
    val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()

    val scale by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
        initialValue = 0.8f,
        targetValue = 1.2f,
        animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
            animation = tween(1000, easing = LinearEasing),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse

        modifier = Modifier

This example makes the box scale up and down continuously, creating a pulsing effect.

6. Creating Spring Animations with spring Spec

The spring animation spec allows for natural-looking animations with a spring-like effect, where UI elements “bounce” into place. It’s perfect for creating animations that feel responsive and organic.

a) Example: Spring Animation for Dragging

fun SpringAnimation() {
    var offsetX by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
    val animatedOffsetX by animateFloatAsState(
        targetValue = offsetX,
        animationSpec = spring(dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy)

        modifier = Modifier
            .offset { IntOffset(animatedOffsetX.roundToInt(), 0) }
            .pointerInput(Unit) {
                detectDragGestures { change, dragAmount ->
                    offsetX += dragAmount.x

In this example, the box responds to drag gestures and springs back into place with a bounce effect.

7. Animating Custom Drawing with Canvas

Compose’s Canvas API allows you to draw custom graphics and animate them with ease. You can combine it with animation APIs to create custom animations for anything from charts to loading indicators.

a) Example: Drawing and Animating Circles

fun CircleAnimation() {
    val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition()
    val radius by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
        initialValue = 50f,
        targetValue = 100f,
        animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
            animation = tween(1000),
            repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse

    Canvas(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
        drawCircle(Color.Blue, radius)

This example draws a circle on the canvas and animates its radius, creating a pulsating effect.

8. Conclusion: Elevating User Experience with Jetpack Compose Animations

Animations are an essential tool for creating smooth, engaging, and delightful user experiences. Jetpack Compose provides a rich set of APIs that allow developers to easily add animations to their apps, from simple state transitions to complex, coordinated animations.

By mastering these animation techniques, you can take your app’s user experience to the next level, making it more interactive and polished. Whether you’re animating visibility, scaling UI elements, or building custom drawing animations, Compose has the tools you need to bring your ideas to life.


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