Mastering Agility season 6 is here!

Mastering Agility season 6 is here!

Mastering Agility Season six is finally here! Jim Sammons and Sander Dur have been busy expanding the Discord community and recording a ton of new episodes. A few things changed in the meanwhile, like our collaboration with ScrumMatch as a sponsor, Margret Scheuerer joining our team to do the future editing, starting studio meetup recordings, and our first merchandising now up for purchase online! The first episode starts with a banger. None other than Jeff Gothelf returns for his second episode on the show to talk about being forever employable and what a great conversation this is. We've got more guests in store this season like Maarten Dalmijn , Artur Margonari ?? , Tendayi Viki , and many more!

A few special shout-outs are in order:

Check out the latest episode right here:


