?? Mastering the 25 Essential Git Commands: A Software Engineer’s Experience

?? Mastering the 25 Essential Git Commands: A Software Engineer’s Experience

Let’s face it – Git can feel like an enigma at times. As someone who has spent over two years navigating version control, I get it – Git can be confusing ??. But in practice, I’ve relied on a core set of commands covering 99% of my daily needs. Here’s a breakdown of the Git commands I use the most, along with the workflow that works for me.

?? git diff

Description: Shows the differences in your files that haven't been staged yet.


git diff        

This command shows the changes in files that are modified but haven’t been added to the staging area.

?? git commit -a -m "commit message"

Description: Commits all tracked changes with a message in one command.


git commit -a -m "Fixed bug in login logic"        

This saves all modified tracked files with a commit message, without needing to manually add them first.

?? git status

Description: Provides a snapshot of your working directory’s state.


git status        

This gives you a summary of changes – files that are staged, unstaged, or untracked.

? git add file_path

Description: Stages specific file(s) for a commit.


git add src/app.js        

This stages the app.js file, getting it ready for the next commit.

?? git checkout -b branch_name

Description: Creates and switches to a new branch.


git checkout -b feature/login-improvement        

This creates a new branch called feature/login-improvement and switches to it immediately.

?? git checkout branch_name

Description: Switches to an existing branch.


git checkout main


This switches back to the main branch.

?? git commit --amend

Description: Modifies the last commit (e.g., to fix a message).


git commit --amend -m "Corrected typo in commit message"        

This updates the message of your most recent commit without creating a new one.

?? git push origin branch_name

Description: Pushes your local branch to a remote repository.


git push origin feature/login-improvement        

This pushes your feature/login-improvement branch to the remote repository (e.g., GitHub).

?? git pull

Description: Fetches and merges changes from a remote branch into your current branch.


git pull origin main


This fetches updates from the main branch and merges them into your current branch.

??? git rebase -i

Description: Interactively rebases your branch, letting you modify commit history.


git rebase -i HEAD~3        

This interactively rebases the last three commits, allowing you to squash, edit, or reorder them.

?? git clone

Description: Creates a local copy of a remote repository.


git clone https://github.com/user/repo.git        

This creates a local copy of the repository from GitHub.

?? git merge

Description: Merges changes from one branch into another.


git merge feature/login-improvement        

This merges the feature/login-improvement branch into your current branch.

?? git log --stat

Description: Shows commit logs with detailed statistics on changes.


git log --stat        

This displays the commit history along with details like the number of lines added or deleted.

??? git stash

Description: Temporarily saves changes without committing them.


git stash        

This stashes your changes so you can work on something else without losing progress.

?? git stash pop

Description: Applies and removes stashed changes.


git stash pop        

This restores your stashed changes and removes them from the stash list.

???♂? git show commit_id

Description: Displays detailed information about a specific commit.


git show 2c3a1d        

This shows what was changed in the commit with the ID 2c3a1d.

? git reset HEAD~1

Description: Reverts the last commit but keeps the changes locally.


git reset HEAD~1        

This undoes the last commit but preserves the changes so you can recommit or edit them.

?? git format-patch -1 commit_id

Description: Creates a patch file for a specific commit.


git format-patch -1 2c3a1d        

This generates a patch file for the commit 2c3a1d.

?? git apply patch_file_name

Description: Applies changes from a patch file.


git apply 0001-fix-typo.patch        

This applies the patch from the file 0001-fix-typo.patch to your working directory.

? git branch -D branch_name

Description: Deletes a branch forcefully.


git branch -D feature/old-branch        

This deletes the branch feature/old-branch even if it hasn’t been merged.

?? git reset

Description: Moves the branch reference to a different commit, effectively undoing commits.


git reset --soft HEAD~2        

This undoes the last two commits but keeps the changes staged.

?? git revert

Description: Creates a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit.


git revert 2c3a1d        

This creates a new commit that reverses the changes made by commit 2c3a1d.

?? git cherry-pick commit_id

Description: Applies changes from a specific commit from another branch.


git cherry-pick 2c3a1d        

This applies the changes from commit 2c3a1d onto your current branch.

??? git branch

Description: Lists all branches in your repository.


git branch        

This displays a list of all branches in your project, highlighting the current branch.

?? git reset --hard

Description: Resets everything to a previous commit, erasing all uncommitted changes.


git reset --hard HEAD~3        

This rolls back your project to the state it was in three commits ago, discarding all changes.


