The Masterclass for highly successful C-suite executives, talented experts and global leaders with Acumen, Cleverness and Digital Growth Mindset.

The Masterclass for highly successful C-suite executives, talented experts and global leaders with Acumen, Cleverness and Digital Growth Mindset.

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader with world-class experience, I will be delighted to join the executive and leadership TEAM of Experts at KPMG in July 2024 for an exclusive masterclass where highly talented C-suite Executives will delve into key areas where AI and Modern Technologies are transforming the Capacity Building, Development, Training Programs and Learning Design Delivery.

Intellectual Curiosity, EQ and IQ in the digital age of change and disruptive era of cutting-edge science, data engineering and emerging technologies: The Next Generation of Highly Successful C-suite Executives, Talented Experts and Global Servant Leaders: Are you curious about how Artificial Intelligence is being practically and responsibly deployed, implemented and executed??

Upskilling Imperative for Experts: I will participate in the Masterclass for highly successful C-suite executives, talented experts and global leaders with Acumen, Cleverness and Digital Growth Mindset. As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I started my executive and leadership career in my 20's. Indeed, I take pride in making a positive, lasting, meaningful and impactful difference.

My Global Leadership Legacy, Milestones and Scientific Journey across the Globe:

1) Why IQ and EQ are important in Bold leadership? Does IQ provide a foundation of cognitive abilities that enable complex situations to be examined effectively. Does EQ enable leaders to navigate intricate interpersonal dynamics, resolve conflicts, and motivate individuals toward shared goals.

2) Is a leader's Intelligence Quotient (IQ) critical for organizational success. Does EQ play a crucial role in understanding and managing emotions?

Global Leadership Challenges and High Risks: The Next Generation of successful C-suite Executives, talented Experts and Servant Leaders.

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am thankful to the United Nations (UN) Leadership team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary leadership opportunity in Bonn, Germany: What are the different types of leadership styles in the digital age of change and disruptive era of emerging technologies? I am thankful to the UN Leadership Team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to sharpen my global leadership skills, abilities and competencies.

1) How AI and cutting-edge technologies are transforming the landscape?

2) How to define the world's TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges, including Climate Change, Corruption, Fraud, Skill Gaps, Global Markets and Financial Systems Cybersecurity Threats in 20204? What is Climate Change? About Climate Finance and Technology?

3) What is Policy? Does AI have a major impact on Policy design, adoption and implementation? What are the stages of the policy process?

4) Does AI have the potential to eliminate corruption, abuse, and prevent FRAUD to help multinational organizations, bilateral institutions and global business companies SAVE millions, billions and trillions of dollars?

5) What does it take to be a successful C-suite Executive? What are the different types of leadership styles?

?Global Leadership and the Next Generation of highly talented C-suite Executives, Visionaries, and Experts with World-class Experience, Business Acumen, Digital Growth Mindset, Excellent skills and exceptional leadership competencies. What are the traits, characteristics, behaviors and habits of the world's richest billionaires, visionaries and business leaders with a Net Worth of over $100 billion? What is the Mindset of Experts?

?The Best lesson that I learned about "Boldness in Effective Leadership" from my MOM and DAD as two highly successful business leaders and executives. I started my executive and leadership career in my 20's. Indeed, I take pride in making a positive, lasting, meaningful and impactful difference.

?From MIT report: " With digital technologies permeating every facet of modern business, software development skills have become necessary for company success. And with user-friendly automation technologies now available, nontechnical employees are increasingly playing a role in developing business applications, helping to ease the ongoing IT talent shortage."

1) How to use domain expertise and creativity to develop apps, configure automations, and build data analyses that can quickly drive value across the enterprise? What is Digital Economy? How to focus on innovative business models?

2) How to define the 21st Century High-Tech workforce? What is the definition of Organizational Model, Culture and Structure?

Global Leadership and the Next Generation of highly talented C-suite Executives, Visionaries, and Experts with World-class Experience, Business Acumen, Digital Growth Mindset, Excellent skills and exceptional leadership competencies. What are the traits, characteristics, behaviors and habits of the world's richest billionaires, visionaries and business leaders with a Net Worth of over $100 billion? What is the Mindset of Experts?

The Best lesson that I learned about "Boldness in Effective Leadership" from my MOM and DAD as two highly successful business leaders and executives. I started my executive and leadership career in my 20's. Indeed, I take pride in making a positive, lasting, meaningful and impactful difference.

The Next Generation of successful C-suite Executives, talented Experts and Servant Leaders: As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am thankful to the United Nations (UN) Leadership team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary leadership opportunity in Bonn, Germany: What are the different types of leadership styles in the digital age of change and disruptive era of emerging technologies? I am thankful to the UN Leadership Team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to sharpen my global leadership skills, abilities and competencies.

1) How to define the world's TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges, including Climate Change, Corruption, Fraud, Skill Gaps, Global Markets and Financial Systems Cybersecurity Threats in 20204? What is Climate Change? About Climate Finance and Technology?

2) What is Policy? Does AI have a major impact on Policy design, adoption and implementation? What are the stages of the policy process?

3) Does AI have the potential to eliminate corruption, abuse, and prevent FRAUD to help multinational organizations, bilateral institutions and global business companies SAVE millions, billions and trillions of dollars?

4) What does it take to be a successful C-suite Executive? What are the different types of leadership styles?

From MIT report: " With digital technologies permeating every facet of modern business, software development skills have become necessary for company success. And with user-friendly automation technologies now available, nontechnical employees are increasingly playing a role in developing business applications, helping to ease the ongoing IT talent shortage."

1) How to use domain expertise and creativity to develop apps, configure automations, and build data analyses that can quickly drive value across the enterprise? What is Digital Economy? How to focus on innovative business models?

1) How to define the 21st Century High-Tech workforce? What is the definition of Organizational Model, Culture and Structure?

2) What is the list of the 50 most in-demand skills that the “Future of work needs"? What are Enterprises that have been championing digital and have invested in technology platforms realize they just don’t have the skills to deliver the full weight of digital transformation?

3) How to assess organizational preparedness, readiness, effectiveness and competitiveness in the digital age of change and disruptive era of emerging technologies?

My Distinct Honor as a successful global servant leader to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China. As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader with world-class experience, I was thrilled, delighted and honored to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China.

What is Global Leadership? My Distinct Honor as a successful global servant leader to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China.

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader with world-class experience, excellent skills, cleverness, digital growth mindset and exceptional leadership competencies, I was thrilled, delighted and honored to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China. My global Leadership Legacy, Milestones and Scientific Journey across the globe.

What is Global Leadership? Learn more from the right talented experts about the world's TOP multinational organizations, multilateral institutions and global multi-trillion-dollar business companies? What does it take to become a successful C-suite executive and leader?

My Distinct Honor as a successful global servant leader: I was delighted to participate in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China. My Global Leadership Legacy as a lifelong learner, voracious reader and world traveler with world-class experience and acumen.

  • Highlights from the Forum: Summer Davos - the key takeaways from the 2024 Annual Meetings of the New Champions, including highly successful C-suite Executives, Scientists, Millionaires, Billionaires, Experts and thoughtful leaders from 190 countries, our 2024 meeting in China.
  • In focus this week: Climate change, Artificial Intelligence, and Economic Growth. The human-centric and data-driven approach to geopolitics, financial technology and the digital economy.
  • ?
  • As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am thankful to the United Nations (UN) Leadership team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary leadership opportunity in Bonn, Germany: What are the different types of leadership styles in the digital age of change and disruptive era of emerging technologies? I am thankful to the UN Leadership Team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to sharpen my global leadership skills, abilities and competencies.
  • ?
  • What does it take to become a successful C-suite executive, expert and business leader in the digital age of change? How to Become a Global Master of Positive Change? Is there a lesson from the TOP 14 richest billionaires, successful executives and business leaders with a Net Worth of over $ 100 billion. One of the Best lessons that I learned from my MOM and DAD as my leadership role models.
  • The 5 takeaways from the last week’s 2024 Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, People’s Republic of China. I was honored to join the global team of EXPERTS from 190 countries.
  • 1) Climate change, AI and inclusive growth. How to assess AI and the digital economy?
  • 2) What next for the global economy? What to expect from future growth? How to take a human-centric approach to geopolitics
  • 3) Expert-insights on AI in innovation and economic growth: How Cutting-edge science and emerging technologies are shifting industries and reshaping the organization's long-term growth model and what we can learn from this?

More than 1,600 global leaders from over 80 countries came together in China to discuss solutions to revitalize the global economy through inclusive, sustainable growth.

The World Economic Forum's 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions addressed six core themes: A New Global Economy, China and the World, Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI, New Frontiers for Industries, Investing in People, and Connecting Climate, Nature and Energy. Over the course of the three days, five common threads emerged across the sessions. Here are the key takeaways.

1) The world's largest economies and the largest emerging markets: What is central to future global growth?

2) Globalization is 'no longer a Western-centered story: " "We need to respect each other's autonomy and collaborate... and [we need to] take a long-term view, short-termism is very costly. It is very important that we all commit to leaving this world much better than we found it." We MUST work together.

3) " We just need to unlock that and get it to the countries that need it," said Gruenwald, adding that "the climate is a global public good. We are in an era where geopolitics is bigger than before, but we have to try and maximize gains across countries. Highly talented experts have a pivotal role to play with green technology, particularly in terms of offering access and investment to developing nations - as well as helping with the transition to EVs.

What is Climate Change? Let's be real, authentic and kind. There is a multi-trillion-dollar in global debt. There is a multi-trillion-dollar gap in emerging markets, developing countries that needs to be filled for sustainable investment, green investment until 2030 and 45 million EVs [are] needed by then.

4) Economic growth needs 'investment into human capital.

"We need an integrated model that takes into account the impact our growth is having on the social, the human, the natural capital. Urbanization is one of the forces shaping environments around the world."

"More than 1 billion people around the world live with a mental health disorder, she added, but it's a particular issue for our young people. These conditions occur across cultures, across geographies."

Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to streamline the inefficient HIRING process, and help organizations Save millions, billions, and even trillions of dollars. How to design the right organizational model, corporate human-centric culture of trust, and hierarchical structure necessary to drive digital transformation and harness artificial intelligence?

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am a firm believer in BOLD action to drive digital transformation and harness artificial intelligence for transforming global challenges into great opportunities.?I apply a unique combination of excellent skills, hands-on expertise, firsthand knowledge and exceptional leadership competencies efforts for the greater good, ever conscious of my duty to people, planet, and progress. Indeed, I am making a positive difference.

Global Leadership Perspectives and Expert-insights on AI in assessing, overseeing and analyzing the multi-trillion-dollar global debt: How to define Policy? Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to leverage technologies in Policy Design, Formulation, and Implementation?

1) Does Generative Artificial Intelligence (GEnAI) have the potential to eliminate corruption, abuse, mismanagement, and prevent FRAUD to help multinational organizations, bilateral institutions and global business companies SAVE millions, billions and trillions of dollars?

2) How to define the world's TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges, including Climate Change, Corruption, Fraud, Skill Gaps, Global Markets and Financial Systems Cybersecurity Threats in 20204? What is Climate Change? About Climate Finance and Technology?

3) How to define the C-suite? What is the critical role of the Chief Human Resources and Human Capital Officer (CHR/HCO)? Can AI streamline the inefficient HIRING Process and save billions to organizations? How to assess and oversee organizational preparedness, readiness and effectiveness? What is the fiduciary duty of the board of directors?

4) What is Policy? Do METRICS matter? Is Technology a Game-changer? Does Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) have the potential to leverage technologies in Policy Design, Formulation, Adoption, and Implementation?

5) What is Organizational Structure? About Organizational Culture? How to define the critical mission of the oversight committee, the steering committee and the council? Is there a fundamental difference between a Council and a Committee?

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am thankful to the United Nations (UN) Leadership team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary leadership opportunity in Bonn, Germany: What are the different types of leadership styles in the digital age of change and disruptive era of emerging technologies? I am thankful to the UN Leadership Team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to sharpen my global leadership skills, abilities and competencies.

What does it take to become a successful C-suite executive, expert and business leader in the digital age of change? How to Become a Global Master of Positive Change? Is there a lesson from the TOP 14 richest billionaires, successful executives and business leaders with a Net Worth of over $ 100 billions. One of the Best lessons that I learned from my MOM and DAD as my leadership role models.

What is Global Leadership? My Distinct Honor and Great Privilege as a successful global servant leader: I am a graduate from the United Nations (UN) program. I am thankful to the UN Leadership Team. And I am grateful for the extraordinary opportunity to sharpen my skills, expertise, and global leadership competencies. Indeed, I take pride in making a positive and impactful difference.

1) What is the list of the world's TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges, including Climate Change, Corruption, Fraud, Skill Gaps, Global Markets and Financial Systems Cybersecurity Threats in 20204?

3) How can countries tackle global collective challenges? How could they succeed in the digital age of sustained recovery, widespread prosperity, dynamic growth, crisis-free development, and political stability?

4) What is Policy? About the major impact of AI on Policy design, formulation, adoption and implementation? How policymakers, regulators, and academics alike regularly attempt to revive, reinvent, or recast Bretton Woods? Does it still inspire? Are prosperity and peace indivisible?

5) What is the C-suite? About the fiduciary duty of the board of directors? How to design the right organizational model, corporate human-centric culture of trust and collaboration, and the hierarchical structure to drive digital transformation and harness AI?

6) How to define the critical mission of the oversight committee, the steering committee and the council? Is there a fundamental difference between a Council and a Committee?

7) Most mid-to-large organizations have a council (sometimes called a board of management). How to assess the performance of the oversight committee, the steering committee and the council?

As a successful global servant, transformational and inspirational leader, I am a firm believer in BOLD action to drive digital transformation and harness artificial intelligence for transforming global challenges into great opportunities.?I apply a unique combination of excellent skills, hands-on expertise, firsthand knowledge and exceptional leadership competencies efforts for the greater good, ever conscious of my duty to people, planet, and progress. Indeed, I am making a positive difference.

?Expert-insights on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Forensic Digital Services for Climate Change, Sustainability, Corruption, Disaster Risks, Fraud Schemes, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Framework. What is the C-suite? About the Fiduciary Duty of the Board of Directors? Is there a fundamental difference between an organization’s Council, Oversight Committee and Steering Committee? How to define accountability?

?The BEST lessons that I learned from my MOM and DAD as two highly successful entrepreneurs, executives and business leaders on how to master the ART of turning Vision into BOLD action, and, also, the SCIENCE of Transforming Global Challenges into Great Opportunities. Is Technology a Game-changer? Do METRICS matter? How to use Benchmarks and KPIs in measuring performance?

?1) What is the list of the world's TOP 100 High Risks and Global Challenges in 2024?

2) Reskilling Imperative: What is Policy? Can AI streamline the inefficient HIRING Process? How to identify the world's TOP 50 most in-demand excellent skills and leadership competencies?

3) What is an Organizational Model? About Organizational Culture and Hierarchical Structure? How to assess organizational preparedness, readiness, effectiveness?

4) What is Benchmarking? Do METRICS matter? About the fundamental difference between Benchmarks and KPIs?

?As a successful global servant leader, I am a firm believer in BOLD action to drive digital transformation and harness artificial intelligence to transform global challenges into great opportunities. How to translate vision into BOLD action and transform global challenges into great opportunities?

?1) How does innovation play a role in social entrepreneurship? What impact does social entrepreneurship have on society?

2) How can one differentiate a social enterprise from a traditional business? How to research social enterprise models? What defines innovation in social enterprises?

3) How to start a social enterprise? How to research social enterprise models?

4) How do you see the balance between profit and purpose playing out in today's business landscape?

?Find out how highly experienced and talented experts leverage their expertise in cutting-edge technologies and harness AI forensic auditing to develop a social enterprise that uses AI to improve transparency and accountability in nonprofit funding. Ever wondered how traditional entrepreneurship differs from its social counterpart?

OK Bo?tjan Dolin?ek



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