Masterclass on dermal substitutes Berlin March 2023
We had a wonderful day on the 17th of march at the masterclass. Focus was the treatment of severe burns and traumatic wounds with a dermal substitute. So thankful to share the expertise we gathered at the burn center at the Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin over the last 17 years with all these great colleagues from France, England, Italy, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, and Germany. Thanks for the high-level discussions we had and for sharing your approaches with all of us. Learning and thriving in adversities and complicated cases is what unites us as physicians and surgeons.
Great pleasure to be joined by PD Dr. D. Gümbel ?????ümbel-74312226b???? on the trauma side with great speeches. Helen Horton, Chiara Vieceli, Tiziana Pastanella, and all the other people at Integra that day, did an absolutely great job in bringing us together in Berlin. Thank you very much.